In-game issues - Secrets of Azeroth

Good news is this forum serves as an Information Desk to help folks navigate the Ticket system, Support articles, explain policies, explain account services, etc.

One of the things that Tickets are NOT for is to get game hints or help with quests. GMs are not allowed to do that.

Blizzard wants players to either figure it out on their own, or use Community resources such as asking other players, or using third party sites like Wowhead. The comments on Wowhead are esp useful.

Here is a good over view of what GMs can, and can’t do.

First, let’s cover some things that a Game Master is generally not able to do.

  • Game Masters are unable to provide Game Hints.
    • Game Hints consist primarily of providing information on the functionality of the game, drop rates and locations, encounter mechanics, etc…
  • Game Masters are not Developers. They cannot change game design or otherwise circumvent intended design, nor go beyond the policies that are in place to ensure everyone has a fair playing experience.
  • Game Masters are not able to resolve potential bugs in-game, though they are sometimes able to help with issues caused by a bug.
  • Game Masters cannot provide Beta access, they don’t have keys to hand out. Nor do they have release dates for patches or other events. If it is not listed on our website, a Game Master won’t be able to tell you.

So while a GM can’t assist you, hopefully some other forum folks will be able to point you in the right direction.