In-game ignore...let's make it better!

I actually miss that update a few weeks back to the forums when you couldn’t even view hidden posts. Of course people whined and they reversed it.

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Now I’m just seeing hidden replies to my posts. Pests gotta pester.


Basically this, yes. Of all the systems Blizz focuses on in-game the system of communicating and blocking is something that should be routinely updated in an MMO. We are not just handling a small group of people which a small ignore list can handle. There are spammers, unwanted guild messages, WTS messages, stalkers… and those can constantly buy new accounts that you have to block.

Really wish there was not a limit as well, it just does not make sense. Especially with how the grouping system already works fine with the current ignore setup blocking being grouped with certain people you have ignored.


Exactly. Because the system isn’t “perfect”…not even close.

But some people just want to be contrary with no real substance and pretend like they’re right even when they know that they’re not. Not when there are so many examples of how the system is broken in this very thread. And that’s just in relation to the in-game ignore. Don’t even get me started with the forum ignore!


When one side is convinced that the other side is just trolling, then don’t expect any compromises to be made.

This system or changes needs to accommodate everyone who accesses these forums, not just one side who considers themselves so aggrieved, looking to punish specific posters.

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I sadly don’t see the option to ignore people on Mobile :iphone:.
I think it’s covered by the avatar since I see a button behind it sometimes but can’t press it cause of the avatar.
I think I would have to go on desktop to press it.
Unfortunate since most websites accommodate mobile these days.

I’m curious, if Person A set ignore to you, Person B, and it ignored your entire account. What affect would it have on you?

I formally request a notes section in the ignore feature so that I can remember why they are on the list to begin with. Also, the system should automatically record the date when they were ignored. Basically, I want to keep track of when and how they got on my ignore list, because after a few months I could probably clear them off safely. My hate faction really has to be earned and few players have cut the mustard.


They actually believe that not being heard by other is a punishment. As though they have some sort of right to be heard or that being put on ignore is a punishment! It is so ridiculous even to try to imagine that I have some right for some stranger to have to listen to my nonsense.

But that’s why it’s really just trolling. They’re not making any sense as to why someone in-game should have to put up with this sort of thing. Hopefully, some day, they are forced to have to use the in-game system as sad as it is, to prevent harassment and see just how bad it is currently.

But since they say that they’ve never been in that situation, so then all then other player who have don’t matter to them and they don’t care, is just a failure of our society :frowning:


While I’m all for better privacy settings, I think calling it a failure of our society is a little too much poetry for me.

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And I genuinely don’t understand why you think this form of trolling won’t eventually get you suspended. It’s extremely obvious to all by now what you are doing. Your very clearly doing it on purpose based on all your posts and the way you write.

None of what you write actually addresses the legitimate points brought up. You do not address any of the issues with the flawed version of ignore we currently have. Instead all you do is spend 75% of your posts being cloy and waffle about vague unrelated opinions that in no way deal with the points of people’s arguments.

As all trolls should be, you will be placed on ignore. But all you will do is simply switch to another forum alt to continue trolling. Thus you are proving the exact opposite of your argument. You are proving that you are circumventing the forum ignore system and therefore showing everyone how flawed and limited it is and why we need an actual account wide ignore both on the forum and in-game.

Goodbye until you jump onto your next trolling alt. :wave:. Make sure you hide your achievements to make it harder to identify your alts. Although I will still be able to tell from your pet collection.


Initially nothing, until Person A speaks to Person C who tells Person D then person E and Person F to ignore Person B as a well.

Effectively creating a black list.


It did on his previous toon. He thinks he can get away with it again. Plus everyone put him on ignore, but as you can see he bypassed it with rolling a new toon, showing us that the system needs work.

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I see.

So in the current system, if Person B (PB) was ignored for their behavior or any other reason and then told their friends (C through F) to ignore PB. Only PB’s current character would face a blacklist but they would have more chances on other toons to do better (or any other reason).

In the system Perl is suggesting, it would remove any chances PB might have to redeem themselves as a player in Azeroth.

I can see that being a problem as sometimes some players just need a second chance to act right, however, there’s still need for -some- privacy improvements.


A longer ignore list for starters.

It’s definitely the second one.


More or less.

Conversation usual breaks down when posters keep insisting that there is no other alternative but their solution.


It just needs to be account wide. You right click ignore in game, it ignores the ACCOUNT, not the character. And it should be account wide for all your characters.

Addons can take care of the account wide part, but there is no way to ignore the entire account as opposed to just a single character.


I’m in absolute agreement. Ignores, whether in-game or on the forums, should work at the level. If Player ABC ignores Player XYZ, all of XYZ’s characters or forum avatars are ignored by all of ABC’s characters or forum avatars.


Gonna ask a question. What if you have a nice person who is an awesome friend to most people. But every now and then has a rough day at work and keeps one alt around just to role play as an evil gremlin of a human and purge themselves of the negative urges.

Regular ignore that happens to cover his one evil char on your account would work great. But ignore that blocks his entire account will mean you never get to talk to the nice version of this person ever again

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The best way to live in an amenable world is to not put out bad energy into it in the first place. There’s far more productive ways to let loose a little steam than any that negatively affects other players. This is a bit of a silly argument, sorry.


I agree there are better ways to blow off steam. However that doesn’t mean thing’s always get done in the best way. Not everyone thinks like you do or expresses themselves in a mature manner. We are all learning as we go. If you expect others to cut you some slack when you screw up life then it’s only right to give others the same amount of slack.

I don’t think my post was a silly example, but you are welcome to you opinion.

I worry for those that seem to want to ignore someone’s existence over the slightest offense that may never be repeated. Some people seem to have a hair trigger and I don’t think it’s healthy for them to have full ban powers. That being said I know there are a few cases that sorely need those powers.

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