This is a really weird post. You don’t log in because you can’t use the 300 tools and methods available to ignore/hide/not look at it? I don’t like 90% of what I see in chat either but you need to write them off as morons and move on with your life.
And what in that list that I had in my original post would be against the rules? Nothing (maybe butt spam I’d have to check the eul again) yet there are people who report it, and would silence those who do it in a heartbeat.
Then why may I ask are you asking for moderation? There already exists a report function that allows you to report players for breaking the rules. What this thread is about goes far beyond that.
And three people in chat having a discussion are minding their own business. They didn’t hack your settings and turn on trade chat or disable your bad boy addon. You choose to participate. If you don’t like it you have the option to leave at any time.
Really? I’ve played since vanilla and chat has always been a disaster. I survived Barrens chat was a thing. You just ignore it and don’t participate. If I tried to respond to all the racist, misogynist, incels, and political nonsense on all sides, I’d have quit long ago. As it is, I took a 10 year break and things are even worse. It is like social media in general, you can always scroll on by if something isn’t to your liking.
I think at this point, we all know something DOES need to be done about some of trade chat/LFG, maybe they should ban trade chat and LFG chat entirely at this point, as the fact is it does nothing but create toxicity.
Alternatively they could just create an algorithm that bans certain words from coming through entirely so don’t have to switch language filter on, no more f words etc.
The reality is that many of my friends left for Final Fantasy and other games due to the behavior of some people in public channels, something does need to be done about it on a mass scale.
Your “need” means “it would be better if”. I agree with that. The situation in trade chat is awful. But this isn’t a perfect universe. Stop pretending that Blizzard can magically make this game perfect. If Blizzard knew how to solve this, they would. If they don’t fix it, they don’t know how to fix it.
And don’t pretend this is a human-run game, so that every chat stream has a human monitoring it. You can’t get a human-run game for $15/month. Why not ask for humans to track down every bot? I want that. But I can’t have it for $15/month.
The fact is you don’t see this kind of crap in Final Fantasy 14, most people while not saying they are perfect, and can get a bit grumpy sometimes, it’s a whole new level of rudeness in wow.
Blizzard is multi billion dollar company. They can afford to make things better.
Yet this thread is not about following rules its about moderation on topics the op does not want to see. If you want to start another thread about that topic specifically I’ll be more then happy to join that conversation. However I repeat, as I never posted anything at all about breaking rules I’m not sure why you would accuse me of doing so in the first place. I therefore decided to give you the benefit of the doubt of not being incompetent and just misspeaking. A mistake I won’t make again.
By having trade chat enabled you are participating. You have the option to leave the channel at any time this would be declining participation. I’m not sure how that’s a hard concept to grasp. What’s more there is an option to partially participate by using addons to filter words and phrases that you don’t want to see.
Or perhaps we want to hear even more view points. Through discussion I have the chance to learn something new or and this might blow your mind have my opinion on something changed.
I want to meet new people and hear new ideas this requires it to not be private. And if you don’t like the conversation you can leave.
This is really what I don’t understand about your argument you acknowledge that there is a mature language filter. It already exists in game. But you want to take it a step farther and remove everyone’s ability to use mature language. Why? What exactly do you get out of it and why does the thought of being able to control other peoples language make you so giddy?
I don’t like cottage cheese. The sight of it makes me queasy and if I smell it I’ll probably puke. I don’t however feel the need to stop people from eating it, or to make stores stop selling it. They can do as they like (as disgusting as I might find it) and I’ll just go elsewhere (nor will I kiss my wife afterword’s until she brushes her teeth.)
And its not an algorithm but a simple function calling on an array.
@Gwynnifer I couldn’t agree with you more. And I don’t even mean the typical anal nonsense or even the political garbage in trade. I’m talking about the “c@#k” or “p$$$y” talk which seems endless in General-Torghast or General-Nathria. And it’s vile and offensive even for the most seasoned adult. I’ve ignored and reported and sent a ticket in saying they need some moderation. I guess me as an adult needs the language filter turned on because of how disgusting the open chat gets.