In Development: Season of Discovery Phase 4

The removal of 10m raids is historically the worst move for content Blizzard has made.

There has to be a number, all of them are somewhat arbitrary, but for most of us I think the reasonable number is 10. Especially how Cata currently has it.


RIP Spriest and Enh Shaman. I know those classes needed to be toned down but damn!

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10 man raids are so hard to get into without GDKP tho. Maybe a good compromise is a flex system of 10-20?

World boss battles are one of the most iconic and memorable parts of the original version. What are they even doing?


In theory yes. Cata has 10 and 25 fixed.

The reason that would be better overall, is it allows Blizzard to ā€œtuneā€ the raids for those comp sizes.

When you add ā€œflexā€, you can put in one more tank, heal or dps (depending) and then Blizzard has to ā€œtuneā€ for each addition, which they wonā€™t.

The ask here is realistic, workable and I would guess overwhelmingly desired.

10m is a must though. The other sizes imo are just for fluff.

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Sadly the goodwill has already been broken and I currently donā€™t have any motivation to play phase 4.
I sincerely hope those who do play it find it enjoyable, however I donā€™t believe I will be one of them.


In phase 4 you can experience the new blood moon event in stranglethorn valeā€¦ this timeā€¦ the changes are going to be explosive!!!

because we added new gear to change the experience.


On a PVP server I see why you would miss the battles but I was on a PVE server and it was just cancer if you werenā€™t apart of the collusion. And I was.

It would be like the South Shore/Tauren Mill battles. Those were pretty epic, we had it for a bit even on Pagle.

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I was talking about on PVP servers, Iā€™ve never done world bosses on PVE servers.

Thereā€™s a video still up online showing my Vanilla horde guild battling for Azuregos with an ally guild and the memories just flood back. It makes me smile.

Even in Classic 2019 there were some epic boss battles on my PVP server, and I will remember those 20 years down the line.

I get that there are issues with layering (this is Blizzards fault) but on the other hand, Blizzard set up these PVP servers to be 50/50 and with doing stuff like this what was even the point?

Turning the world bosses into raid bosses is IMO incredibly hollow and boring. Itā€™s just another way to rip the soul out of what made the original game good.

I wonā€™t be playing this anyway so whatever, but so many of these decisions I just consider to be bad. If you disagree thatā€™s fine.


No new content. No one wants to run MC with some new mechanics, with some runes. This is DoA


Spriest got buffed? Nobody cares about sod pvpā€¦

I can see other peoples points a view and itā€™s a very valid reason. I just wanted to explain mine :stuck_out_tongue:


So now Thunderfury is not BIS for Rogue tanks because Tier bonus 6 force us to use a mutilate build? ā€œYour finishing moves have a 20% chance per combo point to make you take 50% less Physical damage from the next melee attack that hits you within 10 sec.ā€

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No new raid, pvp event, or world content? Is this even a real phase? What on earth is taking so long for them to drop this turd?

Hope we hear better news for Phase 5.


This is the most buster crap ever. All this wait for the worst pile of changes Iā€™ve ever seen. Holy hell blizzard, this is biblically bad.


As a GM it was much easier to manage my guild for 10m BFD but since you switched to 20m it has been so difficult giving the ever so dwindling population. I do not know why you cannot flex from 10 up. Makes zero sense.

Also at this point it is hardly SoD. Just Classic with a minor tweak. This is so underwhelming and i am disappointed that somehow you managed to make MoP Remix more fun than current SoD

P1 SoD was just awesome.


Pretty Awesome to see the World Bosses be instanced so players can realistically get their loot.


Yeeeeeeeaaaaaahhhhhhh SoD is done for lol

Like this dev team is just too uncreative and simply lacks talent in gameplay design.

A classic plus project could be sooo awesome too

But not when done by this dev team :frowning:


P1 was awesome because it wasnt a complete overhaul of classic vanilla, the more deviation the worse the product has become.

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Just wanted to say crazy to see how much Class changes there were. Good stuff actually.

Canā€™t say if they are good/bad for any class but Rogue but idk why you touched Saber :S(other then buffing) I like the idea of the new poison. I do think people will want that in raids, at least maybe in some comps.

I canā€™t find talents though. Any way to see without being in game? And nvm XD Found it on the same page but Rogues just didnā€™t have talents changed.

Ty for Fan of Knives too.