In Development: Season of Discovery Phase 4

Never been so unexcited about WoW content in my life…


they should offer 5 man or even 1 man raids… boost us up like pandaSoDexpress

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Molten MORE hype


So much this. If 10s came back every friend group that was playing would be back.


Just can this dead game already and fire the entire current Classic team.



20 man ? noooo dont change that !!!

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where did you see this? how do I find hte class changes? are rogues screwed over?

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Id rather the Bloodmoon just disappear. We didnt like it in phase 2. Or phase 3. Oh geez not gonna like it in phase 4 either. Organized large group PvP is what we want. FFA just rewards specific classes and meta class exploiters.


I agree. I am real tired of STV Blood Moon. It sounds like Searing Gorge (Searing Basin) is where the instanced World Bosses will go. No new PvP event…just the same old Blood Moon, rip. At least we get Alterac Valley…


“Players will also be able to turn up the heat with a new variable difficulty mechanic. Don’t forget your fire resist gear! You are going to need it.“

Bringing in toggle hard modes?

they did that with some raids in SoM already. probably just going to have the vanilla version of molten core and if you want it HC you get the SoM version of it is my guess.

(double hp and new mechanics)

Your Mongoose Bite now activates when an enemy dodges your attack

S03 - Item - T1 - Hunter - Melee 2P Bonus: Your Mongoose Bite also reduces its target’s chance to Dodge by 1% and increases your chance to hit by 1% for 30 sec.

What on Earth are you guys smoking? Mongoose Bite with 2 piece bonuses nerfs itself


Where tf are you seeing class changes?

  • The Void Plague rune has been moved to the boots slot from the chest slot. Any Void Plague runes previously engraved on a Chest or Robe will appear as “faded rune” and will need to be engraved with a different rune to gain a rune effect.

I noticed the Void Plague rune moved to the boots slot, likely for those struggling with shadow priest counterplay in PvP.

However, this move yanks Dispersion from our PvE toolkit. Dispersion is a lifeline, a twisted, nightmarish, misshapen cloud of hope allowing us to ignore key raid mechanics - which is awesome.

Instead of the boot shuffle, why not adjust the spellpower coefficient on Void Plague? Nerf it for PvP targets but keep it strong for non-player targets. This keeps everyone happy and the rune versatile.

Twisted Faith is fine, but variety is needed. Will shadow priests see more rune choices if this change goes final?

Surely it’s possible to find a middle ground that respects PvP dynamics and the shadow priest’s potential in PvE.

LOVE the changes so far. As a warrior main though, one glaring issue is our belt has 2 runes that are essentially the same, and not much variety in that slot at all.

Solution/Idea: Combine the slam runes into one effect (for PvE) and give an option for PvP/utility. This wouldn’t be overpowered, because both Precise Timing and Blood Surge do very similar effects, and giving us a different option for other scenarios would be incredibly satisfying.

Combine Precise Timing and Blood Surge into:

Rune of Bloody Timing
Slam is now instant and has a 10 second cooldown. Heroic Strike, Bloodthirst, and Whirlwind have a 30% chance to make your next Slam within 15 seconds cost no Rage.

Give us a different, PvP oriented option:

Rune of Blood and Steel
Whirlwind has a 50% chance to knock down enemies hit and for each enemy hit the cooldown of Whirlwind is reduced by 1 sec. In addition, Whirlwind heals you for 10% of your maximum health for each enemy hit.

OR a different alternative:

Rune of Blood and Steel
Charge, Intercept, and Intervene cause your first three attacks or abilities to be incapable of missing, being dodged, partied, or blocked and heal you for the damage dealt.

Thanks for all your work! This is just one suggestion!

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Experience the world bosses you know and love from the comfort of an instance!

I sure love my WORLD bosses outside the WORLD!!!1!


No 40 man raid to run as a guild in phase 4? Why?


100% keep the 40 man raids come on dont change it !


Do the devs hate warlock? Honest question. Sure we are decent at pvp atm but these notes are pretty underwhelming.

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Shield of Righteousness (ShoR)should make Holy Shield act like ShoR, but grant the effects (30% block + Holy damage on each block) when the ability is used.

Ya’ll need to consider REDUCING the active abilities being granted and move them to modifying existing abilities. Like how Devastate modifies Sunder Armor instead of granting an active ability.