In Development: Looking Ahead to Embers of Neltharion

I tried to guess which classes the sets belonged to before reading the labels. Man, I totally got the Paladin and Priest ones backwards, apparently.

Is there a list of bosses yet? I assume the big bad is the dude who has Force Powers in the cinematic.

I hope the final fight is a council fight. I love council fights.

Probably not.
However itā€™s somewhat likely that the Deathwing title will be coming back.

Do you remember the Prephoof tauren in Highmountain? The ones following a prophet who claims Deathwing is coming to destroy the world and how that didnā€™t make sense because Deathwing was from like 3 expansions before that?

Wellā€¦ now thereā€™s a prephoof trapped on the dragon isles a stoneā€™s throw from 2 potential deathwings.

the DH set in season 1 lookedā€¦mediocre. This next one looks terrible im not gonna lie, atleast put some kind of veil over the face i dont knowā€¦ that helm is bad, the whole ā€œexposed midriffā€ meme about demon hunters is boring and tired at this point please stop doing it to every single piece of armor they get. GIVE US COOL ARMOR LIKE IN LEGION.

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Jesus Crhist itā€™s been like 2 years and we are back to BFA dungeons.

We just did those.

No one ā€¦ I mean no one ā€¦ wants to do Freehold and Under-rot againā€¦


Ugh. Freehold. I know Iā€™m apparently in the minority, but thatā€™s a dungeon I never wanted to go to again.

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No you are in the majority. We all hate it along with Under rot.

Vortex Pinnacle. Oof no thanks.

Where the heck is Mythic+ Stockades!!!

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Please reconsider simultaneous mythic and heroic raid releases. It really sucks for anyone who wants to do mythic when mythic opens, but raids less than 5 days.

Would like to see personal loot brought back at some point, especially if thereā€™s going to be ā€œvery rareā€ items that everyone can use. It feels like now you have to essentially roll twice, once for the item to even drop, and again to win it. Would rather roll on a 1-4% item only once, which already would likely take weeks of attempts to get.

actually everyone that does m+ is cheering for freehold being back (and for good reason) while underrot is 50/50 between being hated and liked

I never did m+ prior to DF, whats makes freehold so popular?

On announcement today i zoned in to BFA and did an M0 freehold, and honestly thought this is going to suck lolā€¦

Super excited for the story going forward, please keep Iridikron around for more than one expansion. Coolest villain since Garrosh. The incarnates are a welcome addition to the Warcraft lore and I want to know more about them. Especially the leader in Iridikron. I really hope we donā€™t just kill them all in this expansion. Maybe use Iridikron like Guldan and have him help usher the old gods back to Azeroth. Keep building him up and he can become a Garrosh, Arthas, or Aszhara type villain. I know those are some big shoes to fill though.

Vortex Pinnacle. Dear lord. Iā€™ve got to wear my sunglasses at night now like what I did when I was in Bastion.

The pirate theme and the fights are really cool.

The fact you can do the biggest pulls in history I think people really enjoyed that back in the day and it was fun to watch in MDI

They basically did ā€œone pull, one boss, one pull, one bossā€ the bosses are fun too (although I have a love hate relationship with the sharkpuncher dude)

Ok cool but instead of having an insane flight time to the likes of Halls of Valor, can we please have a portal to Uldaman that takes us just outside the dungeon entrance or near it, and a similar portal to the likes of Neltharionā€™s Lair. Thanks.

Also donā€™t forget to nerf the other DF dungeons by roughly 70% before they go live so weā€™re not banging our heads testing the game for Blizzard while itā€™s live like we did with Season 1, cheers. Edit: And Season 1 SL, Season 2, Season 3 also, oh and Season 4. zzz

The new dragon riding model is justā€¦generic euro-fantasy dragon. Very far removed from what a Dragon has traditionally looked like in World of Warcraft.

Also this big 'ol cave reminds me of Blackreach from Skyrim.

Are you dense bro? The only difference between personal loot and the loot we have now, is now you and the party can see the rolls. Youā€™re still rolling with personal loot :skull: