In Development: Looking Ahead to Embers of Neltharion

For the love of all things holy please do not give KSM a recolor of the trash we got in season 1. It 100% should be a transformation for a dragonriding mount

This has been disproven multiple times. There are some big differences.

  1. On personal loot, letā€™s say you have a 5% chance of getting a rare item based on the loot table. Thatā€™s it, thatā€™s all you have to worry about. As it stands, there may be a 5% chance of the loot even appearing on the loot table for everyone, then it goes to a group roll where you all compete with another roll , overall leading to two rolls that have to align for you to get an item.

  2. On personal loot, you may get one item, and one item only from a boss. On group loot, one lucky person may win two items from the same boss (e.g a trinket and a tier token). This is the biggest difference, feels unfair to those who donā€™t win anything, and in no way is the same as before. It was worse at the beginning of DF when people would need on lower iLvl items that they donā€™t really need, hogging loot.

  3. Group loot encourages poor and unfun group picking practices, such as the common ban on hunters on razagath either due to raid leads or guilds trying to keep the loot to themselves, or because thereā€™s just a million hunters applying. If thereā€™s personal loot, no one will care if one more hunter joins the raid as it doesnā€™t affect anyone elseā€™s chances at loot.

If you have real counterpoints in favor of group loot, feel free to respond and not just write ā€œNo itā€™s the same.ā€

Sure bro. Lets go back to stacking all clothies in a group, and if youā€™re lucky, you have a chance that your personal loot is tradable! You just might be able to help someone else gear! Oh wait you got stuck with a peice you dont need but your buddy does. Too bad it was an ilvl upgrade and now you cant give it to him. If only he couldve rolled on it.

Why would you give a really cool looking set that looks like the paladin Judgement set to priests, Paladins should have gotten it. Now Iā€™m jealous of their tier!

They said they wanting PL back, not the trading restrictions. Where did you get that from?

As is now thereā€™s constantly loot dropping that no one can use (like Cloth when thereā€™s no cloth users or shields with no shield users) so if that was removed that would be great. Iā€™d be a lot more okay with Group Loot if that was ā€œfixedā€.

Maybe new normal and rotate them seasonally. If they put grim rail again quaking and sanguine need to not happen

You are increasingly blurring the line between paladins and priests. This priests set clearly has features associated with iconic elements of the paladin class. Especially with the most legendary of all, the set judgement.

Ever since BFA when you had Anduin wearing plate armor, a two-handed sword, and using abilities like the templarā€™s verdict, youā€™ve been fueling this stupid notion that the two classes are actually nearly identical, and theyā€™re not.

The very existence of paladins is proof to the contrary, as they appeared in lore to occupy a space that priests were unable to. Furthermore, this association with the Diablo character Tyrael has been present in paladins forever, and this priest set clearly draws inspiration from it.

The new librams that will come in the trading post are obviously inspired by the historical librams of paladins, and they also cannot be transmogrified by paladins, since they will be an off hand for users of one-handed weapons.

This is yet another appropriation of the paladin fantasy, established in the lore since Warcraft 3. This paladin set is clearly inspired by a twisted idea of space marine mixed with some kind of Warhammer templar.

Paladins donā€™t wear armor as heavy as this one, and besides, these tube-shaped robes have been worn for 18 years. Itā€™s even ridiculous to compare the sets since a new open robe model is right next to the paladins and could be implemented in this set, which would make it at least something more similar to the theme of the class.

Itā€™s not the paladin fanbaseā€™s fault that you donā€™t have enough imagination to come up with a priest theme thatā€™s truly unique. Whatā€™s ridiculous is you guys cannibalizing another classā€™s theme, completely destroying the elements that make it perhaps the most iconic in Warcraft lore.

Paladins are not warhammer characters, stop trying to destroy the aesthetics of the class, like you did with the warriors in Legion with all that stupid choice to insert the class within a Vikings narrative, since historically in Warcraft, warriors had different characteristics aesthetics according to their race.

Can we see the tier sets on female character builds? Or, rather, the other body type please?

Group Loot might make trading items easier in an organized guild-only run, but Master Loot for 100% guild groups seems a far superior system due to total control of loot distribution.

Group Loot is absolutely worse than Personal Loot for pug runs. They differ in the way loot drops and is distributed.

Group loot does one roll to determine items that dropped from the entire loot table (all classes/specs), then a second roll to rank who gets each piece. Itā€™s possible to get a warglaive drop that nobody can use (happened to my raid co-leads other team and went to highest greed roll for vendor/disenchant). If a useful piece for you does drop, you are rolling against others to win itā€“Iā€™ve been in guilds where the leader told us in voice to roll need if we can to minimize the chance that the few pugs we brought do NOT get loot. I left that guild but it happens, and is the primary reason Group Loot is bad for pugs.

Personal Loot does one roll to see if you get an item (low chance), and if ypu do then a second roll to pick the specific piece from a subset of the entire loot table specific to your class/spec. This is superior for pugs as if you win loot itā€™s yours and itā€™s for your class/spec. Everyone has their own roll for loot. Nobody can roll against you for the sole purpose of minimizing your chance at loot.

Iā€™m all for enabling Master Loot as an option for 100% guild runs, but if a pug is invited it should only allow Personal Loot. Group Loot can be deleted, since it offers no advantage over Master or Personal.


I am starting to think they have written us off. (shrugs) It wouldnā€™t take 5 minutes to write a message addressing the issue but they canā€™t be bothered, its not good customer relations IMHO.

I havenā€™t played this year and my sub ends on April 17. I have not be unsubbed from this game since I bought Vanilla and it is primarily due to DR being the only alternative to walking.

Just rather not play.

Why would I continue to fund Blizzard by paying a monthly fee to play a game I played when it was new?

Until flying mounts are enabled this expansion is dead to me. I will never again buy an expansion until flying mounts are enabled. It that means only one year out of three, so be it. It flying mounts are never again enabled in current content, then I will never again trust Activision / Blizzard enough to buy their products.

Rare mob farm zones the only thing you really got up your sleeves anymore?

Fancy armor and everything but as a Bear Tank it really doesnā€™t matter what the armor looks likeā€¦ So unless itā€™s going to be a good dodge set like we had back in cata it doesnā€™t really matter

LFR , baby.

you cant get it. your ilvl is too high.

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Exactly what I thoughtā€¦

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I did and it just reaffirms my belief that the two should be swapped. Many priests and paladins have the same view.

Only people Iā€™ve seen saying itā€™s correct are priests who want that set because it looks better lol.


You also mixed the priest and paladin sets, silly.

Makes Gnolls playable.

I get quite a large number of rolls on items Iā€™m watermarked past. It is not very strict. It twists your arm into passing on things when thereā€™s someone in need of the ilvl, but thereā€™s barely anyone in need of ilvl left farming it. Alts get showered with sparks and filling out with your primalist/drakebreaker items is fast as heck. Most of the window shoppers who canā€™t 380 in a day or two been gone. Weā€™re all mog/mount farming it now xD

I vote that we stop using the human male model to preview models.

In place of human male, the obviously superior orc male model should be used instead.