In Development: Guardians of the Dream

Account-side content is not shared across regions, so I don’t have access to any of my mogs. Still, even as basic as my character looks like, it already looks great by virtue of not looking at all like yours.

In case it was lost on you (narrator: it was), I was talking only about the forums, not the game itself.

This is amazing, if the new legendary is a 2H axe, then that means it primarily benefits raid loggers in my guild. I love it lol

As a druid main getting the announcement of a legendary weapon on the emerald dream patch was pure hype, getting the confirmation of said legendary be a 2h axe was pure bs, no wonder more druids joined to fyrakk

Why’d you wanna talk here? To stir the pot? Because that’s what I see, lol.

“I don’t look good, but I look better than you!”

Go back to your actual forums! Or don’t, I don’t control you.

Just think it’s weird to be in another server cluster’s forums when you don’t play there, but whatever. I don’t go to the EU forums for the same reason.

Hopefully the team can discuss a new Ranking and Reward structure for Mythic+ and PvP in the next few days, cause going another 6-12 months with this system isn’t sustainable.

Yeah but it was for BM/MM only though… I don’t think there’s anything wrong with saying SV loses out still lol.

So… what about M+ seasonal rewards. They need some love.

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Tbf we have been to the dream a few times before.
It would be inconsistent if it suddenly looked different.

Damn, you are really mad at me criticizing your character. Your character is beautiful in its own way. There.

It’s the same game. Do you actually play with everyone you interact with on this forum?

Anyway, the EU community is kind of dead, and there’s better chance for devs to read feedback here. (incidentally it just so happens that I am temporarily banned from the EU forums until the year 3000)

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What was your eu avatar?
I gotta know if i recognise you.

Only the most infamous should get banned for 1000 years

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It’s old, it was back when I was posting mostly as “Eleris”. They banned me for questioning the usefulness of EU blue posters.

Blood Elf customization? Blizzard, you misspelled Pandaren.


Blood elf… I can’t even keep my eyebrows… but sure… it’s fine… it’s totally fine.

I’m not crying, you’re crying!
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


Actually slightly confused. What are Class Sets?

Isn’t that not just Tier?

There are a few sour grapes who would deny Blood Elves anything if they could, some even want to get rid of them altogether. Well your Blood Elf is beautiful and they can go pound sand.
I’m happy for Blood Elf customizations but we can always use more! :hugs:


Was there anything about us old fogeys and normal flight?



If this is the last zone its not even close to zereth mortis

Please consider reworking hunter alongside rogue and demon hunter with this patch. The feedback on marks in particular is pretty consistent: it does too much damage against low armor targets, but it lacks tools to be well-rounded enough to succeed without that damage.

The area that marks hunter excels most is random battlegrounds. You are injecting a shuffle-esque ranked mode for battlegrounds, and this version of marks hunter is obviously going to be way too strong in the mode. If you just nerf its damage, it goes back to not being a viable pick in regular arenas or solo shuffle. There are a multitude of things that need to be done with the talent tree that have also been covered ad-nauseum. The spec is so barebones and straightforward that there’s actually a mountain of potential available to it in terms of what you could do with it. Please just look at the feedback and consider making changes. Thanks.

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I don’t see you post enough these days but lots of hugs and love from me to you Starla. :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:


It is tier, but it is themed to the class, and not just the armor type.

All tier sets Legion and prior were class sets because there was a set for every class themed to the class (whether it was good or not, is a different discussion), BFA on it been mostly ‘expansion/patch’ armor-type themed and not themed to each class.