In Development: Guardians of the Dream

when they start talking about the raid, the second clip of the armor sets, it looks like the paladin, its the one on the left. it looked like a very low res dungeon set. i hope im wrong becuase it really didnt catch my eye :frowning:

It’s a vicious cycle though: they keep giving updates to BElves, which are already the most popular, while ignoring the other races. It’s obnoxious.


That one that looks like a combination of notorious gladiator set and fearless combatant scaled… yeah, i thought that was it too.

Idk, maybe that’s the normal raid version and it looks more epic in a higher version.

It would be nice if Tauren, a vanilla race, could get more than 4-5 face options.
And hair colors. Actual customizable hair colors :roll_eyes:


So the fiery owl mount is from Mythic Fyrakk.

it honestly comes off as dungeon set or questing set to me, i really hope they take it back to the drawing board. well at least we have transmogg rofl. maybe next tier they will give us something better.

Lol, I love the idea of the new zone being a colourful lush emerald dream.
I don’t see anything past that being at all interesting sadly.

And I guess people were right, Fyrakk will be downed here.
I’m guessing 10.3 will be where we fight Iridikron. And Vyranoth probably sides with us to help take him down. I hope to Azeroth Iridikron isn’t the over arching baddie. He’s so uninteresting.

So what was the point of the Sentinel Tree in the Firelands? or was that forgotten?

Best addition ever to this game.

Hopefully… i’d like to wear my tier gear sometime.

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Do you see those two mysterious glyphs just below my character’s name? “10”

This is a level 10 alt to post on the US forums, since I’m actually playing on EU servers. But blizzard is really intent on dividing the community in two for whatever reason.

Expansion: Dragon Isles
Theme: Elements fight the Titans
Shaman: oh boy! Maybe well get something this time
Developers: lets do a druid theme and give Blood Elves new customization

Shaman: …


They are clearly lacking. I guess we know who Blizzard’s favorite race is though. Among the first to get heritage armor, new armor set in Shadowlands, and now more customizations.

Don’t be bitter, it’s very unbecoming.

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Kind of sad when the Artist’s conception doesn’t match your own head canon for what a place you’ve read about in the novels for decades.

Another green zone that’s partially corrupted/on fire , more dragon flying, another raid, more fomo to collect… can’t wait!


Legendary 2h axe?? Where is the 2h agi weapon from this druid themed patch? The weapon type/classes which has never had a legendary throughout all of wow’s history?


I’d at least make a character looking half-decent before calling other folks mogs trash.

Especially if you pride yourself on playing a race all about ‘fashion’ while having none.

Pretty much anything except DF gear you can wear at like lvl 10, so there isn’t an excuse unless you just don’t have the mogs at all.

I’m sure NA and EU would work really well together (/s), no language barriers, or lag to speak of at all.

Lol it looks liked reused assets to me. Not at all like an ‘original’ Emerald Dream like I would’ve envisioned. Looks like Ardenweald 2. Substitute the areas that were crumbling with areas that are now on fire.

100 percent agree with ya!

Probably in incredibly poor taste.

But I find it absolutely hilarious that we’re already trying to stop the newest world tree from burning down.


Seems like a standard new tier patch at this point which I guess is fine.

A Druid legendary seems more appropriate, but I guess if you’re taking an item from a guy meant to destroy natural life an axe would be fairly iconic to use.

Looks cool. You couldn’t at least give us a few dungeons for M+ that aren’t from the TW rotation tho?