In defense of blizzard on sockets

I posted this as a comment but figured its important enough for more to see.

For those who missed blizzard’s blue posts almost a year ago. I will translate, basically sockets were to much a power increase in PVP, so blizzard added sockets to PVP scaling, and thus intentionally nerfed them.

This happened in September of last year! You can find this in wayback. We were never suppose to gem sockets in PVP after this nerf happened. But people got so excited about Wrathion and forgot this was a PVE thing.

I still find this hilarious that most of the 3k PVPers actually didn’t take the time to study this or read the forums, since many just missed it. I’ve been telling as many gamers as I could about this for over a year. And its not like its been a secret. Blizzard was open about this and told everyone.

And yes, sockets did give to much a power advantage. But its not just sockets that get nerfed in PVP, its ilvl. I have been experimenting with mage in mainly conquest gear and no cloak. I have been 1v2’ing a lot helping friends get their rating.

Blizzard did stuff like this because PVPers complain about gear and mythic level gear being to powerful, so they made gear less relevant in BFA for PVP. Now you guys are complaining that you want your gear’s ilvl to be relevant, which honestly is a contradiction.

Here’s my thoughts. PVP scaling is actually great for lower level players 1-119 players leveling so they can’t get camped by bored 120s. And thus for non 120 players it should stay as it improves the leveling experience.

That being said, it is to confusing for those trying to gear up in PVP at max player level. So thus, PVP scaling should go away for 120 players facing 120 players. However, instead of sockets counting towards gear, they should just be grayed out.

I feel for max level players facing max levels we should just remove PVP scaling since gear is pretty easily obtainable and will be even more so in shadow lands. We don’t have a need for it in rated PVP. But if we really want it, I think Rextoy’s idea of capping the maximum ilvl in PVP each tier to roughly heroic or conquest ilvl gear is actually the easiest solution.

What are your thoughts?

edited for typo’s 8/20 at 8:27PM


People hate visions, I have no idea where you’re getting this idea from.

Also, remove scaling.


Stop defending blizzard. It’s one thing to lessen the value of sockets. It’s another to make the value a negative. Sockets are currently a negative value.


again, thats the purpose of PVP scaling, a system PVP’ers asked for. Anything that increases your ilvl higher then the person you face, nerfs your dmg and increases the dmg you take vs. that player.

You guys wanted this system because you didnt like Mythic geared players winning in PVP.

So, if that mindset has changed, then yes, lets remove PVP scaling for max 120 level players vs. max 120 level players.

It’s clear you don’t understand what sockets are currently doing to your gear and trying really hard to squeeze out an “i told you so.” I’m going to back out of here and let you do your thing so it can pass.


Yes Blizzard is wrong for doing that and the players are constantly trying to find ways to undo their mistakes. Just because the Devs change something doesn’t mean it’s correct.

Hope more people abuse this trash scaling system and it gets removed.



So then why does pvp gear reward us with an rng gem and say “UPGRADE” when looted?


Going into Slands the best ideas are pvp stats on pvp gear or ilvl capping in PvP zones, BOTH of which won’t happen

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Nobody asked for a scaling system. The closest thing you could find to anyone asking for a scaling system would be people asking for WoD style gearing back where all PvP gear jumped in item level. That is very different from a hidden system that lies to you about the damage you are dealing and receiving and using convoluted buggy formulas to manipulate the data.

Again nobody wanted this system and mythic geared players still win in pvp. Scaling is only upside down with sockets because their item level jump isn’t proportionate to the power they add. Aside from that better gear is still better gear albeit the degree to which it is better gets reduced by scaling. This is just a weird in-between that nobody wants. Either gear should matter or it shouldn’t, and whichever one they go with the players should receive accurate feedback on their performance and not be lied to by the game.


You’re an actual gorilla if you think current pvp scaling is what pvpers as a whole asked for.

We asked for gear that mattered in pvp to come from pvp, with stats being evenly distributed across all the gear choices. We want that gear to be 30 ilvl above mythic pve gear in instanced pvp specifically, so that there is no reason to want to use pve gear in pvp.


Link this post please

Seems kinda dumb to add it to the PvP scaling formula instead of just making sockets grayed out while in arenas/rbgs

Might want to wash all that brown off your nose.

This has entirely been unacceptable with zero transparency and the condescending explanations from the PvP devs were just icing on the cake


Remember when we were top 20 NA with Dpk and broken duel/disarm legion S3 and you ninja quit on us super randomly? And then after all we went through getting Akkira r1 bfa s1 you just delete your account and break our hearts again? Then you have friends give you fully geared/essenced wars and you spit in their faces? I’m done with you Matt. At this point even the puppies don’t love you back…

Unless you get a 475 cut of death next tuesday, then DM me my bruddah.

I’m not sure if you’re salty or mostly joking around? There’s so much more that’s goes into quitting than you seem to realize, even for anyone out there. I love playing with all our friends, it’s just blizzard… the game is only a game and wasn’t worth the time it consumed / what it was doing to me mentally. Wow kinda makes you a slave to it, both in thought and time. I am really sorry if you’re actually upset, and sorry for anyone else who reads this (unless you’re in a similar spot upset at someone who stopped playing too, then this applies). I truly want the game to be good and enjoy it but it was blizzard why I quit, nothing else.

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That’s a lie. Please get the sword though.

Can anyone point me to the blue post referenced by the OP?

The blue post was about sockets being considered op in S1 after the low ilvl being BIS fiasco, so they posted that sockets would be added in the scaling algorithm. No numbers of course.

See here (remove spaces, I can’t post links)
https :// wow. gamepedia. com/PvP_scaling

Reference #2 on that page has a link to the archived blue post about it. Here is the quote:

There are indeed some issues that you guys have pointed out, which are in the process of being hotfixed. These have to do with Azerite gear slots (and gems) not being weighted in the system as much as they should, and bugs with lower level trinkets being usable at max level. As much fun as it is to relive Taunka Time, we will be working on getting these fixed up.

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Nothing in that blue post would lead me to indicate gems are bad to use

Curious how the OP interpreted this as Blizzard telling us gems aren’t for PvP