In B4 flood of horde QQ

As a Horde player, I am getting instant queues.


How are those instant queues working out after a week? I hope theyā€™re still instant, because if theyā€™re even a few minutes now Iā€™d hate to imagine how bad itā€™s going to get.


Like the finest of cheddars, this post has aged well.


ThE OvErAlL PoPULaTiOn AcRoSs AlL sERverS Is AcTUAlly PreTTY cLoSe tO 50/50


Well, so far it looks like only horde are crying.


I revisited this post and boy oh boy am I rolling!!! :joy:
This clown shammy here talking trash two weeks ago like billy bad a$$ and now heā€™s whining like a filthy pig because heā€™s getting trashed in WSG.
Get wrecked Thornado!!!


Many of the Alliance players transfered or rerolled on PVE servers. There will be no one out there to gank. Also thanks to the immaturity of the Horde many of the Alliance players that transfered gave up PvP and focus on PvE content ignoring the BGs thus increasing the queue times. I do not feel at all sorry for my own faction as they brought this on themselves and now just as predicted they get to reap the ā€˜benefitsā€™ LOL


it sounds like you need to get a fing life.

Hahahahahahaha. Got em

Wonā€™t you? Hahahaha

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you wonder whats wrong with classic wow the player base.

I havenā€™t played since p2 because it was that bad, Iā€™m just hear because itā€™s hilarious to see karma in action.

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there is no karma only idiots think there is.

No worries bud :rofl:

hey now letā€™s not get ahead of ourselves

why should anyone care what some one says that quit druing phase 2 because he rolled on a pvp server and got pvped?

all you showed is that you are a quitter.

You care enough to call me names, itā€™s hilarious.

all i see was some one that couldnt deal with pvp on a pvp server and quit.

Seems there is a lot of qq about pvp in a battleground with balanced teams here.

Do you think blizzard should nerf the alliance and make their team smaller than hordes by say 15%

they put their own foot so far down their own mouths they are walking around losing av with a toe sticking out of their butts

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