In B4 flood of horde QQ

When he has a huge numbers advantage.

Him when faced with even numbers.

You thought it was fine when Horde was outnumbering Alliance, premading raids to hunt down parties trying to reach dungeons.

You mock those that quit during phase two.

But you won’t even do WSG if there’s Alliance premades (and you can make premades for WSG easily yourself).

Sounds like you’re a quitter- BGs happened in a BG.


premades arnt balanced but if you think so.

av is about the honor you get more then wsg im exalted by losing with some wins in there and got x10 more honor then the alliance.

keep rushing the boss please for your 900 honor ill take 3.6k all day.

Lol when he thinks his honor means anything to the alliance.

Horde and alliance honor are rated different. Ask your premade leader, he’ll tell you that.

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and you quit right because you couldnt handle pvp right?

im on a pve server and to low to do av. im pointing out the major foot in the mouth ive observed on the forums since ph2. lmao its very popcorn worthy and hilarious.

who didn’t see this coming?

oh and yes please re roll if you are not happy hahahah or hey retail is still around

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It’s funny that you think that’s an insult. The game wasn’t enjoyable, so i dropped it.

We aren’t all masochists. As an adult my times important, if something isn’t enjoyable, I don’t do it.

How else could you fix your predicament… mmmmmmmmm, have you tried rerolling? That could work, plus I hear the p2 wpvp has calmed down, so you could actually play.

I could even give you some free stuff! Since I’m so nice.


alliance were getting dominated by horde pugs on pvp servers and now the only way the alliance can do wsg is premades.

i feel real bad the the alliance.

you quit just give it up man.

Lol our premades are the same groups as your formed wpvp groups, use a thought.

Yes, i think we agree, i quit. You’re a real Sherlock Holmes. Case solved!

im glad you admitted you quit because you got pvped on a pvp server.

I thought you quit?
We ran you off into your filthy mud hut when you didn’t have the numbers advantage.

Thornado, you’re getting wrecked here grampa. I’d just go back to watching Columbo and drinking some egg nog.


I post the same comment on all the many many of these threads. There are more of these than actual threads on horde complaining. Good job.

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OP called it. Poor horde


I said the same thing and was told to take off my tinfoil hat :joy:

Basically every time you open the forums there are three of these “poor horde” threads and not a single actual complaining thread in sight. Just shows how salty alliance players are.


Got you to post here.

I know that’s my point.

But yeah, there are both - alliance glad threads and horde upset threads

Or how biased some horde are that they deny the horde QQ threads exist. :wink:

There are plenty of both on this forum.


No one denied this. Just that there is a lot of both.

Oh really?