In a sad way, Ranked Shuffle & Evokers launching together was bad

Most folks agree these days that if you’re launching a new class, they should be OP for the first patch if not the first expansion. That’s bad news for Ranked Shuffle.

People have asked for a solo queue for a long time and Devs have gone on record saying their reservations about a system like that include a lack of healers. Ranked Shuffle is bearing that out. Whether or not this would have always been the case can be up for debate, but I personally think it would have been far less dramatic if we had some 9.2.5 like balance.

The existence of an OP healer that is leagues better than everything else, with bleed removal to boot, is making any would-be healer drought worse. I would ask Blizzard to bring these healers in closer alignment asap because the system could live or die on this one imbalance alone.

We don’t need all the healers having the same utility, the same functionality with comps, and the same HPS. We’ve had a better healing system before, we can do it again.


You are going to have to explain to the class how wanting a healer spec nerfed is going to make things better in regards to the healer shortage.

You could remove Evokers tomorrow and healing in SS would be just as painful to heal as it is now. And if you doubt me, all I can say is simply “Go try it”. It’s like herding cats. Only the cats are on fire and for some reason enjoy rolling in puddles of napalm on the floor. And you have been given a dollar store squirt gun to try and keep them spontaneously combusting. Even for my supposed “OP Healing”, the sheer volume of CC and burst damage DPS classes can vomit out is utterly comedic. If you make one mistake, get CCed or even blink at the wrong time, someone dies and it’s GG. Complaining about 1-2 specs keeping someone alive a few seconds longer than others is like trying to treat a gunshot wound and complaining about the colour of the bandage, not the shotgun pellets in the victim’s midsection.

You want to actually fix the problem? Hell, I don’t know if you can. Healing in this game mode is straight up masochistic. But to at least try… 1) Burst damage needs to come way down 2) Preservation Evoker/Restoration Druids need to be the baseline output level for all other healers (overall, anyway. Preservation should still have a higher raw output in its smaller bubble of operation but you get the idea). I still don’t know how you actually make the situation actually fun for healers or convince them to play more than the absolute bare minimum of matches but at least this would make the experience slightly less dreadful.

Honestly solo que is a crap show. DPS that que just zug zug til games over and rely on healer to carry. No defensive play what so ever.

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No kidding. Terrible play and a complete lack of situational awareness is one thing but the insane output along with the hefty Dampening slapped on you from the moment the doors open just compounds the issue.

Another fun fact I left out of my first post; Did you know healers can get sweet bugger all for rating if they go 3-3? So if there is a lame duck who gets tunnelled all six rounds (and I’ve seen it happen multiple times), both healers get to babysit them 3 rounds and walk away with nothing. What a great system.

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Oh please EVOKER is the LAST of your worries.
RESTO druid is the overpowered PVP healer this patch.
Do you have any idea how much positioning EVOKER has to have? Even for healing. AND almost no range on all of the spells.
Get a grip.

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Aggro Preservation is 100% viable you can chill in the middle of everything and just throw out damage. Must be good though. With decent teammates.

Just give DH and Warriors a trophy and shut the mode down, imo. Feral Druids, too.

I’ve had healers leave before the rounds were finished, because they felt bad after losing a few and unable to get rating.

Healers and non-meta DPS just get run over. There are more DH at the top rankings than healers overall- what the f***.

The entire mode is a sh**show. It’s clearly very unbalanced, which is bad in any PvP situation.

Did you read all of my post?

Please see above.

I’m citing Evoker for the reasons I said in the OP. But the disparity of all healers is a problem. But you knew that. As for Druids, you can’t say I haven’t advocated for them to get nerfs:

Evoker healer is much higher skill gameplay than the other heals so it makes sense it would be better in the right hands

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I’m being told Druid is better. Would you say the same for them?

In PvE I’d argue they’re top 2; PvP Evoker seems to be on a pedastool by itself