Improve leveling

The WoW map is very vast, very diverse with several stories. I always want to create another alt and level up on maps but I always get bored. Something is missing in leveling, something that makes it more interesting. What would you do to improve leveling, make it more rewarding, less tiring and always be a different experience from another?

I play WoW with my with my frame rate locked to 15 fps so it’s not so fast to level


Maybe it’s we’ve been doing it for 20 years? Lol


Think how bad it would be if they never ever reduced the XP needed to level. The original amount needed from 1-60, 60-70, 70-80, ect. all added together.

/shudder :grimacing:

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For me at least I would like the leveling content to be a little bit more difficult. It doesn’t need to be dark souls, but I don’t think it’s even serving as an “extended tutorial” that many people say it’s supposed to.

I think not only does it not do that, but it actively reinforces bad habits because it’s so mindlessly easy.

I would also increase XP gains to compensate for the slow down that would naturally happen from a more dangerous world. Overall time to max level shouldn’t change.

It would also be nice to see professions get a low level overhaul to be more useable. Every once in a while I think that I’ll make a new alt and take my time, not rush to max level, level up my professions.

Then I remember that alchemy lets me make armour potions that give +1 armour and they’re hilariously useless.

Lastly, let me queue up for EVERY dungeon at once without needing to wait 5 minutes in a single expansion’s dungeons not getting anything. I cannot overstate this one enough.


My issue is that there’s so much I want to do, I don’t seem to have time to do it in. I go ‘oh, I can go do WotLK storyline in Chromie time!’, and then 1.5 zones in (and 2 dungeons), I’ve gone from 10 to 50 and get booted out of it.

Honestly, these days, I’m locking XP, ‘finishing’ expansions, getting reps for personal dopamine hits and/or patterns/transmogs/pets/etc.

There’s literally nothing that interests me in going into Shadowlands on characters, so I don’t. I’ve done a half dozen quests in Bastion, on one character, one time, and then quit for almost 2 years. I’m leveling alts to 50, and parking them so they can skip SL content next expansion (fingers crossed, anyway).

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I can offer you a different leveling experience but I can’t guarantee you’ll like it.

For starters, they could fix the NPC dialogue scenes being broken. I would see about getting this issue addressed since new players are likely to encounter missing dialogue.


Shhh, you’ve just given them their next time gate mechanic to draw out more sub time.

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Make pre cataclysm Azeroth available as a leveling option in Chromie time.


I lock my fps to 120 for PvP so i move around the map faster than mt 60 fps opponents

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Main content in retail is end game
 if you want leveling experience maybe you should try vanilla

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For some xpacs/continents there’s not much that can be done to fix this, because their questing design is exceedingly linear and on-rails — Cata and MoP are probably the worst offenders here, but WotLK as well as WoD onward are guilty of this to lesser extents. Running through those is the same every time because it can’t be different
 skip a quest and you’ve locked yourself out of the remainder of the zone.

Vanilla/TBC style is better in this regard, with far fewer “blocking” quests. Didn’t like X quest last time you did it? No problem, you can skip it, and there’s probably some other quest you didn’t pick up last time that can make up for the XP loss.

Yeah, leveling mobs could use some teeth. As I’ve mentioned in other threads this is not turning them into damage sponges, it’s making them more dangerous. Beef up their damage/healing, give them an extra ability or two, maybe even improve their AI in some cases (would make sense on “questline boss” mobs.

As they are they don’t offer any resistance, so it’s no wonder that questing is dull.

You can just say things like, “I dont know what video games are” or “I bought boosts for all my characters” theres no need to pretend people arent allowed to level all of a sudden.

I’d not have Chromie booting people out without a choice. It just shows how flippant Blizzard’s attitude towards the levelling experience is.