Implement a Hard mode for all raids
(Add a new right click option to your character that doesnt allow you to enter the raid if you have the consumable buffs like Elixir of the Mongoose or Flask of Supreme Power or World buffs on)
No world buffs and no consumable buffs or flasks or stoneshield potions or oils
We shouldn’t allow, the absorb potions because mages can Frost ward.
Self player buffs only
(Mana potions, runes, stratholme holy water etc allowed)
This person quit for the world buff crisis reason
Back in 2006, Easy Company didn’t regularly get World Buffs for raids. This is apparently the first time the guild ever went and got world buffs, for their first Kel’Thuzad kill! Back in 2006, getting and stacking world buffs for as much time wasn’t really a strategy for most guilds. You can even see in the video when the guild runs to Naxxramas from Light’s Hope Chapel , instead of using level 20 Warlock Alt summoners.
As you can see Blizzard. It would be far better than with world buffs and consumable buffs
And since vanilla already doubled subs in the past why not make it an option?
Players are being toxic about playing without world buffs and thus making it a big deal for others to remove them. With this option this will segregate the toxic players who secretly are in the raid and rage over wipes and then bring up the fact its our and the RLs fault for playing that way because the RL told everyone to right click their buffs off. So the good news is your toxic kind won’t be able to enter the raid with those buffs. Some people are willing to enter even when they were told its not a world buff run, they dont care. They want the loot and blame it on the loss of those buffs after a wipe because they had the ABILITY TO KEEP THEM. That’s the difference.
Read what this player said.
Lastly watch the first 2 minutes of what this guy has to say. HE played back then
LISTEN to what he says at 1:09
And that ladies and gentlemen is the best way you can improve Classic PvE. No more players saying… ohhh classic is too easy with every buff in the game because IM SCARED of getting one shot without my millions of consumes I spent a thousand gold on and saving my world buffs staying logged off for days like a scared little girl who needs them saved to beat the bosses…
Can you do this? An option that can keep players doing raids with world buffs and an option to raid without world buffs. So far as you can see players are forced to get world buffs or they lose 1000g from pot in gdkp. It’s not an option. We are forced.
Here is proof
And what if you don’t know how to run your own? You quit the game like everyone in my guild
People quit due to “must have” world buffs
Making an option (without removing world buffs) allows for the others who quit to return to the game which means more profit