*Imperium* long term/stable AOTC guild. Full on raiders, casuals are welcome though!

Updated needs!

Bump da bump…

It doesn’t get lower than us :smiley:

Bumping again!!

Fun group of people. They have been together for many years and have strong relationships but still reach out to newbies to make sure they are included and getting the gear they need to make the raid group stronger.

Also they are very fun to raid with but also aren’t afraid to cut the chatter to get focused and down bosses.

Leave no scrub behind!

Looks like recruiting is back on the menu boys!

Do you have room for a Warlock and eley shaman, Rkstar#1393 battle tag

bump! still looking

Need healers to heal our meter humping dps!

Updated progression! Five new bosses down in one night. Not bad for scrubs!

Any chance you guys want a Ret pally? Btag is Ken#11541

Sounds fun. I rolled a human lock named Darthsol on your server. Here’s my btag Darthsanta#1411

A truer-est statement couldn’t be said.

We are the degens of scrubs. The cavepeople. The troglodytes. We see boss, we hit boss.

We usually never get tier but if you need rings–we are the guild for you!

LF for a healer again… please make sure you can make our raid times :slight_smile:

Still looking!

Bump for progression

yay! moar progress

Need someone with grabby hands!

We are looking again… siiiigh