*Imperium* long term/stable AOTC guild. Full on raiders, casuals are welcome though!

Bump for updated needs!

Bump for updated needs

I am currently 9/10 Heroic and looking for a new home. Looking for a like minded group that is AOTC focused and likes to have fun and stomp bosses. My B-tag is Ellestaria #1874

Added ya! We will talk soon!

Sorry, transferred to a different server and have found a home.

Bump! for updated needs

Bump! Updated progression…
Is it 9.1.5 yet?

Come play with us!

Bump for one night heroic clears!

Hello!, my wife and I are looking for guild, we’re kinda new (in fact returning) to stormrage and we’re looking for a more weekdend kinda guild…mostly me, because i can only play friday’s nights and weekends because of work :frowning:

Her main’s armory
My main’s armory

Heya! Hit me up on Discord - Avesara#7806. Great job on the M+ score btw

Keystone running AOTC brewmaster looking for a raiding guild to continue with. Currently 10/10 heroic SoD, and 2100 something score ksm tank. Just getting pushing keys. Sent you a btag request. Nytis#1984

I’m looking to come to stormrage to come back to alliance and yall sound like a great fit. Sent a friend request on Discord name is Rikatsu

Bump it up!

Come play with us… bwahahaha

Y’all still looking for raiders? I main a lock and am just coming back to the game (and Stormrage) but also have exp on Mage. Last played Nathria, have AOTC. Feel free to add me to chat - Kovo#1606. Thanks!

I am looking to get back into raiding for 9.2. I currently run m+ with a couple of friends but would be interested in joining!

Hit me up tonight buddy! I’ll throw you an invite

Bump for updated needs

Updated needs! rounding out the roster