Imma nerd out

BRUH I gotta share troll your worst but this was awesome been seeing it more and more recently but it was a classic world PvP showdown in orgrimmar last night

Here’s the headline :0

Brave alliance soldiers took to the ENEMIES gates last night and not only killed the leader in the heart of their city, but also divided and conquered the horde defenses! WAVE AFTER WAVE of horde raid groups steamrolled by a superior alliance elite force. And the best part? This is only the beginning… FOR THE ALLIANCE :relieved:

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Come BATHE in the blood of our enemies!!

I’m a WoW player. It’s bold of you to assume I bathe.


Yes, until the CTA went out and we wiped yall.

Were you apart of that group? You were given a pretty big wallop I doubt you remember. Alliance wins :slight_smile:

I was healing on my priest. :wink:


gonna have to heal harder next time if you wanna keep up with an alliance ELITE, or ill keep shoving you in that locker :relieved:

Not even once a week during Tuesday maintenance?

Too bad I wasn’t there… probably wouldn’t have been fair to the alliance.

However I was spreading democracy in helldivers 2…… perhaps next time :slight_smile:


There’s no such thing as alliance elite. only scum.

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There is no style or grace in the way you savages battle. It’s no wonder your faction falls apart constantly. Horde garbage!

All I can say is you’re a Cryptids League member and I’ve beaten your guild in a 3v21 in BfA (in Stormheim). All recorded and posted on YouTube.

Crazy seeing how bad that guild has fallen :sob:

A fine victory indeed.

I’d call you out but I already forgot your name typing this, it’s a shame nobody knows what you’re talking about. You’ve also never fought me :smirk:

My priest is Alphon. I didn’t beat you guys on this character. Personally I consider CL a joke guild :person_shrugging:

You guys RP way too much to be taken seriously.

I do not speak for my guild but I speak as a brave solider of the alliance. You may hide under any identity you want it still ends with you firmly in the ground with a blue banner flying high. FOR THE ALLIANCE! :slight_smile:

Nah, all of my characters are publicly available under check-pvp, so not hiding, I just like to post on the characters I am actively maining.

I don’t main my priest anymore, therefore I don’t post on my priest.

But good luck with that! I’m assuming I’m only going to be seeing you behind a raid group, in which case, no thanks until I can find another way to take on a raid group like I did with CL back in BfA.

Just tell me where to find you. I do all pvp small or large… you won’t kill any alliance on my watch let alone me :relieved:

You’re on Emerald Dream so you’re gonna have to make your way over to the big boi realms.

Typically at any of the PvP WQs or the Spark zone.