Imma nerd out

You mean populated realms.

Do not confuse that with servers of a rich history like ED.

Big boi realms.

When I was sharding into RP realms at the beginning of the expansion, I did so because Horde:Alliance ratios were more balanced than normal realms.

Still, Horde were outnumbered, just not grossly outnumbered.

Playing Horde on these normal servers was hell for the average Horde player :sweat_smile:

Grossly outnumbered at every crate. RP realms were like, Medium difficulty for Horde while normal servers were like Hard/Hell difficulty.

Hence, big boi realms.

Clearly you do not understand, numbers mean nothing. The past guilds from ED that fought in wpvp were legendary in big fights. Hence why I said don’t confuse big boi with populated. I’ve seen so many wpvp fights with raids vastly outnumbered yet defeat the other side with ease.

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I’m not denying that ED has a rich history, but you’re acting like RP realms are the only place where good WPvP fights happened. When I say “big boi realms,” I’m talking about sheer population size and faction imbalance—RP realms naturally have fewer players in WM, which means the faction disparity isn’t as extreme compared to non RP realms. The majority of War Mode activity happens outside of RP shards, and that’s where the biggest fights are now.

Weren’t you the same person complaining that War Mode is dead on your shard and you couldn’t find anyone to fight? And I kept telling you to change shards? Yeah, man, that’s the point—you’re not fighting where most of the action is. You’re not on the big boi realms.

How does moi get to these big boy realms??? Do I need a friend? I would transfer but then I’d lose not only my home server but my OG name

You already know…anchors and all that. You are in CL, no? :wink:

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I’m going to assume you genuinely don’t know, so I’ll break it down with an example.

You’re on Emerald Dream, right? Let’s say you’re in Ringing Deeps trying to find Horde to fight, but there’s no one around. You ask a friend on a different server—let’s say Sargeras—to invite you to their group so you can shard into their realm.

Before you get invited, make sure your friend is in the same zone as you. If they’re in Dornogal when they invite you, you won’t shard over—you’ll stay in your Emerald Dream shard, and if they come down to Ringing Deeps afterward, they’ll just end up in your shard instead.

If you want to check a different zone, like Hallowfall, while grouped, have your friend enter the zone first before you go in. If you enter first, you’ll stay on your Emerald Dream shard instead of transferring to theirs.

And lastly, since you’re on an RP shard, if the group disbands, you’ll automatically be phased back to Emerald Dream.


I actually didn’t know. This helped a lot thank you, you’re still gonna look good with your head and troll buttocks hung up above my fireplace but thank you this makes that much easier :slight_smile:

My money’s on Alphon all day.

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I’m a healer with a blood craze he will need at least 4 friends, I’d probably still kill him :relieved::love_you_gesture:

He’s a one man army, hence why my money’s on him.

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Giving Durotar a run for its money. Where are the so called defenders?? Alliance made it a campsite last night!! Durotar is Alliance TERRITORY! :sunglasses:

Not sure, but I mostly PvP in the new zones, not the old ones. I’d never know if Durotar was under attack since I’m too busy killing Horde and Alliance in TWW. :person_shrugging:

Ironically there’s often more people in front of Org than there are in the TWW zones.

Whenever I’m out there it’s the same 3-4 Alliance nerds who spam follower dungeons and talk crap in /yell. :dracthyr_shrug:

A shaman, a priest, a mistweaver monk, and occasionally a druid.

I prefer TWW but the sharding sucks. :confused:

Yeah, it definitely sucks… Lately, I’ve been recruiting more people from different realms into my guild, so whenever my shard is dead, I can just ask a guildie to pull me into theirs. It’s annoying that we even have to do that, but we gotta work with what we’ve got.

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Somehow sharding is even worse lately. I won’t even see my server and then you try different characters and nope.

Nice seeing you out in War Mode today. That was the first time I had ever seen you. :sweat_smile:

Yeh it’s the phases. Poor fang only had green gear. It’s amazing to me how bad rdruid heals are compared to my monk. Hots for days, do nothing lol.