There are so many bugs, they didn’t give enough time for Beta to work to get through a majority of them. So much so that they are so overwhelmed with complaints, bugs, etc. they send out the generic response to tickets. Giving you advise to do stuff you already did to clear up the problem.
Had a quest problem, a serious one that interrupted a whole chain quest on one of my alts and they said basically sorry not sorry, too bad so sad to my ticket. So what am I supposed to do just let my toon hang in limbo and not be able to proceed? She can’t do anything until she finishes this chain quest. I did what they have always said, clear cache, restart game, abandon quest and required it, problem is after doing all that and abandoning the quest, the quest giver completely disappeared and has not returned for 2 days!
Their answer, sorry too busy to answer your in game problems, GM’s cant help with quests. Huh? It is a bugged quest and they can’t help with it? I am not asking for them to complete it for me, I just want them to address the missing quest giver!
Im convinced that anyone who is saying shadowlands is to buggy, is either trolling, does not remember the BFA launch, or never played during the first few months of BFA when it was literally called by the biggest wow subreddit, Beta for azeroth, with how buggy it was.
I had an issue and received the same generic response. Needless to say, I wasn’t impressed. If you reply to/reopen the ticket you’ll eventually get a reply. It took about 2 days for me.
" My apologies for the previous responce"
" But you the total amount"
Based on the sentence structure as well as some missed periods at the end of sentences I’m assuming they’re pretty overwhelmed with tickets at the moment.
If it was released in October like it was supposed to be it would’ve certainly been too soon. It was absolutely unplayable on the Beta and was not ready for that release date.
uh no never said, nor implied taht, im saying SL is far less buggy then BFA launch was, so much less buggy i dont understand the outrage going on, since almost every bug i have seen reported are niche bugs, mostly visuals, or really wild ones that honestly no one would have thought of.
examples being, soul shape with a shield equipped and in your hand results in it sticking out of the soulshape.
The MC in M+ Mists could cast your HS while MCed which was a memey bug that no one thought of.
We are not talking game breaking stuff like warfronts just not working or giving loots, or like wise for island. Or phasing being so jacked up you literally could not finish quests. Or shading being such a hot mess that mobs would phase in and out mid combat.
RIght, and im not, nor have i ever pretended these bugs did not exist, but they all got solved or addressed far quicker then BFA did.
Again, people are assuming im saying BFA is not with out bugs, It does have bugs, im saying BFA in comparison is far far far worse, and that SL by no means was a rocket launch or even a bad launch all things considered.
If you look at the hotfix list (which is how Blizzard addresses most bugs) it’s extremely small in regards to bug fixes. A few bugs here and there, with a number of them being addressed on the 18th and a few more on the 22nd.
oh please.
there are still outstanding questing bugs from TBC.
i haven’t managed to encounter any quest bugs in current content.
…and am curious why the op hasn’t (at minimum) bothered to mention the name of the quest they’re having issues with.
I don’t think it was too soon to release but I do concur that there are still a few bugs that need to be ironed out.
Some that I’ve noticed;
When swapping to the Necrolords covenant despite not having been there before, you will occasionally not have the NPC appear for your renown 6-7 questline. They’ll appear after the weekly reset (but sucks to be you if you swap on say the Wednesday).
The Hunt for ‘Winged Soul Eaters’ within the Maw (Beastwarrens) doesn’t spawn the boss nearly 1/3 times.
And now I think with torghast and the later renown content were pushing into mostly untested content.
One of my alts is at renown 15 and the second soulbind and the abomination table never activated.
Reminds me of pushing into 3-5 mask horrific visions. “Was any of this play tested because it’s annoying AF? And some the mob attack artwork looks like place holder art.”
I suspect they went into serious production and technical debt around 8.2.