Imagine your progress being deleted

This. There will be at least a few Classic Forever servers. Blizzard promised this.

I’m sure Blizzard is well aware that people like to collect stuff and see and keep their progress. Most of their retail game is dedicated to collecting crap. So I’m sure they are also well aware of people’s fears of getting their stuff deleted. Which is why I don’t think we’ll get anything deleted in our transition to TBC, either.

I think we’ll end up with three types of servers. Most will transition to TBC, but there will also be a few Classic Forever servers, plus a few Fresh Classic servers, because there is demand for that, too.


Not true, show the quote.

They said museum, they said they don’t care if they are empty.


If i was a hardcore vanilla player i would at least want to play on a server that has a population that you can do raids and dungeons. just for example why have 39 servers that have 200 people when you can have 2 servers with 3900. Grouping up all the players of VersionX together is the end game for every version.

I myself don’t want to play wrath i will gladly transfer off my server to a stasis TBC server along with everyone else that don’t want to play wrath. Its that simple.

(vanilla stasis) (TBC stasis) (wrath stasis)

Play what you want just make sure you sort yourself correctly.

You show the quote lol. No they didn’t. They said classic would exist even if 10s of people play it but they didn’t say you wouldn’t have to move. You a t like a 12 year old who isn’t getting everything their way. Is your name dudley dursley irl?

To be sure, I don’t think Blizzard has ever promised us anything, ever, at all.

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Here’s my favorite quote from Blizzard:

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Imagine claiming to want a museum piece, then wanting to change the exhibit.

You authentically only get so much time in vanilla before the server authentically progresses to TBC content. Your character authentically moves forward in time, just as it did back then. If you wish to stay on the vanilla era, that’s fine, but you should be doing it on a fresh vanilla realm in p1 again.

Stop confusing your own entitlement with authenticity while trying to make stagnant and entirely non authentic, p6 vanilla realms a thing. You are asking for a complete and total change to a foundational pillar of the game’s design, not a museum.


you can not possibly enjoy playing a 15 yearl old ver sion of the game post last patch without further develpment ever…forever…or else there is something really wrong with you…

Strange. If someone does not think in a way that it copasetic with you, then you believe something is wrong with them? So, every professional sports player has something wrong with them because they play 50+ year old games for a majority of their lives until retirement, layoff, or career ending injury? Oh, no, you mean only entertainment games, right? So, you believe competitive chess players have something wrong with them? Oh, no, you mean only video games now, right? So, you believe something is wrong with MOBA players who play every season? What about WoW arena competitors who only PvP in arena? Them too?

I can think of many reasons why a person would want to play the same version of WoW even if they are of sound body and mind. Maybe something is wrong with you, since you can’t.


Blizzard promised static museum that will stop progressing in phase 6.

Why are they even considering moving is to tbc? I didn’t sign up for tbc, I believed blizzards promise of static museum.

I have 12 toons, nochanges please. Leave classic classic.

Zoomers want to zoom in tbc, they can do that on tbc servers.


They want you to quit your game (classic), and play theirs (tbc and other expansions).

No, they don’t. If you want to keep playing in the Old World at level 60 forever, you can do that even after BC launches. BC does not change the Old World to any meaningful extent. All the content is still there.

At worst, you could argue that the classes/races change slightly due to talent tree revamps and adjustments to racial abilities. But these tend to be minor shifts - most of the changes to talent trees are at the top, not the bottom and the racial changes are minor at best.

What you seem to be saying is that you don’t want to be left alone by all the players progressing to new content. But you’re going to be left behind no matter what and you can’t seriously suggest that the majority be forced to play the content you’d prefer to play when they don’t want to do so.


Don’t worry about it. They are going to continue to have classic only servers.

People think they’re going to progress realms, but I doubt that’s the case. It’ll be a big shake up, but there will be a home for everyone.

They’re not zoomers. They’re modern WoW slaves. Do you expect them to not exalt their king god? All that has come before is perfection that must not be tampered with … except as the dev angels decide, because theirs is also perfection. Yes, they pretend to want to stop at WotLK or Cata or WoD, but really they want to be force progressed until it remerges with the modern version. Crazy right? And the crazier thing is that A-B refuses to admit that what they want and what Classic WoW only players want is different. A-B brought Classic WoW (supposedly) for us, but they cater 100% to the modern WoW slaves instead. Try to figure that one out.

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…there wont be anymore content to progress through, people wont want to run the same raid over and over and over again once they are fully geared…no point in queueing bgs or ranking…the game will rapidly become stale and empty, queues will be huge and the population gone…THERE IS A REASON WHY private servers kept lauching fresh servers and old ones died…

guilds will leave one by one…there will be ahrdly anyone wanting to raid and the pvp queues will be huge and /or not pop at all.(all fo this has happened countless times on private servers believing its gona be any diferent here is being delusional and inexperienced in wow/classic)

there will be ZERO incentive for a video gamer to login…(“oh but its about being social etc…etc”…you cna go be social on fresh servers or other games live the larje majority of the population…

Considering wow is a themepark mmo, the persistent world doesnt have any meaning honestly

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Sure you can! I’ll tell you how: Classic is the ONLY way to play Old World Pre-Deathwing Destruction. Good luck trying to play the Old World Pre-Deathwing Destruction in the Standard Game :+1:

You’re free to think that, but you’re just wrong :slightly_smiling_face:

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Here’s mine from your link

“We don’t want to break any hearts.”

Clearly each and every one of us will get our hearts desire. Blizzard promised.

Based on my original guild’s roster for the new xpac, this is frighteningly accurate.

They did no such thing. At all.

At most they said they’d have classic with a museum analogy…

That could EASILY mean just providing periodic fresh p1 servers, while transitioning older ones into tbc.


Nope they actually did say that. You crazy tbc people are like anti reality now.