Imagine You Wake Up One Day and Find that Blood Elves and Goblins are Now Neutral Races

Meaning that the Horde can still play them, just like Pandaren, but the Alliance has an opportunity to make them as well. Alliance gets their high elves and the goblins go back to offering their services to both factions like they did in WC3. But, to compensate for the fact that two races are no longer exclusive to the Horde, the Horde now gets playable Ogres and Dragonkin.

sits back in chair and pulls out a pet
Now, tell me how this scenario makes you feel.

(Disclaimer: This is not a troll attempt designed to incite anger. I’m genuinely interested in thoughts related to expanding the neutral race precedent established by the Pandaren, and blood elves and goblins are the only playable races in lore that have a substantial reason for being “neutral.”)

Makes me feel like you forgot to mention Murlocs.


Honestly I have a hard time determining whether the requests for murlocs are legitimate or a meme.


neutral goblins would make me happy.

visually they fit the horde well tho.

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I would play the heck out of a murloc.



I mean, I can’t really see much of a reason why those guys would go Horde. But sure, add them to the neutral race pool. I’m sure they wouldn’t do any more harm than a pandaren would.

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you know what’s BS, the fact that NE joined Alliance. They were neutral as shyt and you know how that makes me feel?! Like you don’t give a crap about W3 and all the story content in Warcraft.


I think its a mix of both. I legitimately want them though lol.

They weren’t neutral. They were highly territorial of their ancestral land of Kalimdor. The Alliance presence waned and was largely restricted to Theramore while the Horde continued their expansion into Ashenvale because they literally had nowhere else to go. This resulted in massive deforestation, countless deaths of night elven sentinels, and Cenarius.

I think it makes perfect sense why they would seek out an alliance with the Alliance. They’ve largely been left to themselves and have been granted autonomy anyway, so why not?

you forgot one thing…

i woke up, and i prefer going back to bed…

no, they dont. blood elves are with the horde because of garithos. he treated them horribly and they wanted nothing to do with the alliance after that. “oh but that wasnt the humans we have now” WELL GUESS WHAT, the orcs we have now arent the blood crazed killers that were imprisoned either. spent how many expansions treating the horde like dirt when they just wanted to live. garithos is still a perfectly valid reason.

also alliance attacked the goblins because thrall happened to be sailing by. horrible people. in fact, with rastakhan added to the list the alliance are like 3 for 3 in randomly attacking anyone who happens to be around the horde in unprovoked aggression.

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Best thread ever here…


But yeah I can see it happening, no different then pandas!

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It makes at least as much sense as the Forsaken seeking out the Horde and the Horde accepting them.

I mean really… yeah the Forsaken were undeniably in a hard spot, but the wouldn’t the faction of the ruthless portal-aliens that they had been fighting brutal wars against for years be the last place they’d look?

And yes, the tauren advocated for them and all that… but why? Why would the tauren give two flying farts about a civilization on a continent they’d never even visited before? And even with the tauren vouching for them, what would posses the leaders of the Horde to say, “sure tauren, that sounds great! Let’s ally with the lethal embittered zombie versions of the people we’ve been killing since we got here! Nothing could possibly go wrong!”

Absolutely no interest in playable Ogres or Dragonkin. If I woke up to this I would say the Horde got hosed in this deal.

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Ogres yes.

Dragonkin … meh.


If we gave you gnomes would that make the deal sweeter, you can have gnomes :stuck_out_tongue:

There is a long history of political decisions that resulted in Silvermoon going over to the Horde; Garithos was just the straw that broke the camel’s back.

That’s not really relevant though. Even if the Quel’dorei, as a people, have a good reason for detesting the Alliance, that hasn’t stopped multiple groups from going over to the blue team. Blood elves are biologically identical to high elves, which are staunchly Alliance. The void elves also demonstrate that there are numerous blood elf individuals who lived in Silvermoon, individuals that never identified themselves as “high elves” mind you, who still closer to their Alliance roots. That’s why the void elves gladly answered Alleria’s call. At this point, I say just make the Quel’dorei race as a whole neutral, give them all blue and purple eye color options to go along with the blue and yellow already available, and let people orient their Quel’dorei elf with whatever faction they want.

Canonically that’s only one cartel. In lore there are hundreds of them, and the vast majority prefer not to play favorites because it’s economically beneficial to sell to both sides. Still, we’re starting to see more Alliance-oriented goblin individuals. We have Gazlowe working to undermine Gallywix (in an admittedly small fashion), we have “The Shiv,” the second-in-command of SI;7, and now we have Grizzek .

Considering goblins have been more than willing to risk their lives for the Alliance as far back as WC3, it isn’t a big stretch for them to be neutral in WoW. In fact, neutrality was actually considered back in Cata.

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thats entirely backed by WC3. the tauren were actually about to face near extinction at the hands of the centaur in the barrens. it took the numbers/martial prowess of the orcs/trolls to give the tauren a fighting chance. it was “who are these strange creatures?” “theyre in danger, we need to help them!”. a bond like that isnt jsut broken or tossed away.

thrall absolutely took council in cairne for EVERYTHING. a trusted friend and adviser through and through. when the forsaken were rallied to themselves, sylvanas reached out for allies for her new people to have some chance of survival. the alliance didnt want anything to do with them, and in fact killed messengers that were sent to try and speak. the horde listened, and the tauren took interest because guess what? the forsaken faced the same issue the tauren did. a people without the means to ensure their survival. outcasts looking for a home. thats why thrall took them in. because they were the original vision of the horde. people that didnt belong, finally belonging.

Ogres are pretty heavily requested, although admittedly I threw Dragonkin in there because they seemed cool and I couldn’t really think of a second Horde-exclusive race that made a lot of sense.

Did you have a real home-runner in mind?

Honestly seems like a great deal to me.

The Horde lost nothing and got two new Races.

The Alliance lost nothing and got two new Races.
