Imagine this

From The Final Fantasy XIV Lodestone:

"Real money trading (RMT) and other illicit activities upset the balance of the game and, as such, are prohibited under the Terms of Service.

Because we have confirmed the existence of players who are engaging in these illicit activities, we have taken the actions listed below.

Time Period: Jul. 15, 2021 to Jul. 28, 2021

・Participation in RMT/prohibited activities

  • ・Accounts terminated: 7,604*
  • ・Accounts temporarily suspended: 32*

・RMT advertising

  • ・Accounts terminated: 2,911*

Players who discover any confirmed cheats should, under no circumstances, exploit or disseminate such information. Instead, we ask that players file a report by using the in-game command [System Menu] → [Support Desk] → [Contact Us] → [Report Cheating].

In addition, any witnessed RMT advertisement can be reported by right clicking the character name in the chat log and selecting the menu [Report] → [Report RMT Activity].
The report will be processed automatically, and if determined to fall under RMT advertising, the reported character’s comments will be restricted.

We will continue to take stringent disciplinary action against any accounts with confirmed involvement in RMT/illicit activity; players should take care to steer clear of any activity that violates the Terms of Service."

Now imagine if Activision/Blizzard cared less about the money they gain from bot and gold farmer subscriptions and cared as much about their game servers and player environment as Square Enix does. There might not be a bevy of un-guilded Mages on my server at the moment in the Steamvaults all with names like Cyghd, Cyghf, Cyghe, etc… (NOT naming and shaming. These are just examples of the naming scheme they use)

I know it would never happen. I still get in-game mail from advertisers for gold selling and they still get returned to me even after I have used the report function to send them to Activision/Blizzard. But just imagine if they actually cared as much about their game environments and servers as they do about making money.

How awesome would that be? :smiley:


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