I rolled a vulpera mage to have witch hats not make me bald, and I’m not usually a short or furry race enthusiast.
Some hats allow hair. The Kul Titan heritage set comes to mind. Hope this is a trend of things to come.
If blizzard kept the hair it would probably poke through every helm in the game, and I seriously doubt blizzard will hard fix every hair and helm combo. To me this is more important than covenant abilities, but I don’t think this will ever be fixed.
I’m more concerned about hoods.
But…your title, Jojo! Why you trick me?!
there are hoods in title
But so is helm, complete with the ubiquitous, “these are on equal footing”, slash.
(But I’m drifting the thread too much and…splitting hairs…head coverings + hair, make it thing for more mogs!)
they can atleast do it for new items.
Well, or they can’t. Warfront alliance plate helmet on draenei turns you into human with pink skin. Can’t expect much from those guys
Wow…that’s ridiculous
wow, that’s, sad. I’m lost for words. I wasn’t expecting much when I clicked on that link and I’m still disappointed.
Kul Tiran’s heritage armor hat does this. Sadly it is the only one so far.
Engineering goggles or bust!
These weird limitations remind me another odd thing in video games.
Very rarely will characters actually be under the covers in bed. I remember watching Deadly Premonition and actually being surprised they bothered to try that.
Clothes and blankets are just a pain in the butt animation / art wise
cloud in ff7remake sleep in full armor on bed. Atleast he puts sword next to a wall this time.
The blood elf heritage armor also lets hair flow.
well, BElf armor is more a facemask than a helmet
Eh Cloud’s traumatized it oddly makes sense for him to not bother with blankets.
There is already clipping issues with many shoulders and helms… adding hair on top of that… yikes.
It would help more if our hair actually moved more.
Things in wow are oddly very wibbly wobbly like bits of armor or “Movement? Never heard of her”