Imagine the logic

I’ve actually had far more toxic experiences with pve, people will leave LFG M+ for literally any reason. Same with pvp though the hardest ragers are the worst players. I think one person in 10 I’ve played with from LFG for arena isn’t on my btag, much better class of people in pvp lfg. My personal opinion based in experience bias.

Funny thing, I got way more gear and geared faster by doing primarily pvp after coming back just over 3 weeks ago. Doing pretty much exactly what you mentioned in your post. Rng is rng lol, but you’re also right.

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Yeah but the problem is the cloak is designed with zero catch up.
So if you dont do it now those characters are now forever behind.

You know they’ll implement an easy catch up in a couple months and act like saviours. They do this everytime.

I can only go off of now, because to expect them to do something to make it better is like expecting Lucy not to pull the football on Charlie Brown.


Actually there’s one in place now, it got put in last minute.

ht tps://

We can get either 6 or 7 this week and it caps. We can get one new additional level each week thereafter. If you fall behind you can do more to catch up to the current max allowed level.

Essence farming to open the things is something else entirely.

Good points. Especially feels even more toxic in mythic plus when you really aren’t part of that scene. I hear yea, pvers go off. I’ve 2 chested 10s with people in group acting like the timer went out 7 minutes ago and the keys failed lol.

You don’t NEED all this stuff to push rating. It helps for sure.

If we could all just get over ourselves. The spec differential breakdown with r1s in EU shows that. We’re so ridiculously trendy here, if ret sucks on the forums. You won’t see one in game. Meanwhile Pikachu deleting resto druids in 4 seconds. (But in NA a ret could never ever catch a resto druid because they have no mobility)


You aren’t wrong lol.

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But to be able to do it requires you to farm up a currency. Which means you are still stuck doing a sit ton of dailies.


Just highlight the link after you typed it then press </>


Yeah, I edited my post earlier because I thought of it at the same time lol. You’re right.

We should be getting the currency from pvp as well in all reality.

Thanks for the posting tip, was wondering how links were getting in.


They really should just let all link things then take it away if their bad. You have jump through a lot of hoops to be able to just freely link

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I didnt think about this :scream:

Ah yes the ol it works on EU and someone streams their alt gameplay at 2500 stomping inexperienced players feedback here.

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Yeah what ever man, point is stuff works lol. You chime in to add literally nothing ?
The adults were talking.

Na your just coming off as a idiot, no shxt every spec works. You are just spewing stupid info that rets complain about not having mobility when even vanguards and pika complain about it all the time so you are just coming here to talk out of your assz, Mr. Adult.


lol @ all the soyboy cucks in this thread defending blizzard while the game has been bleeding subs for the past 12 years and literally everyone who actually plays the game hates the direction blizz took wow in. If you think this is a good patch or good content I genuinely feel sorry for you. Its patches like this that destroy what little is left of the pvp community. Meanwhile u have GDers shtting up the arena forums with their delusional BS saying how great the game is when its literally never been this dead before and actiblizz sentiment is at an all time low. I guess some people do deserve to work in walmart for their entire lives.


This actually blows my mind.

Pearls in casual bgs for benthic. Mutually exclusive residum based on rating or m+ key completed. We’d still get the shaft because 15+ is easier than glad but any residum is better than none.

Now we have these stupid socket tokens where we get zilch.

So fu***** easy to do but they literally don’t give an f about PvP. It’s pretty sad.

Yeah actually, we can’t be bothered. Not everybody enjoys the pve grind. I agree pvp is a minigame in a much larger mmo. So if it’s so minuscule & irrelevant, why can’t we just have the best arena gear, but only usable in arena? Would legit hurt nobody…


Oh I agree with that one hundred percent. Make pvp gear useless in pve and pve gear useless in rated pvp. But that’s just not how it’s going to go the remainder of this expac. No point being upset about it everyday better off not playing if it really bothers you that much.

In WoD there was a vendor you could buy the pvp gear with gold, but it was only usable in wargames. If we could get that with it being restricted to warnode and instanced pvp. It would go a long way

100% my man. You could instantly play w/e alts you want, people would come back to the game, activity&diversity would be high…it’s just beautiful to think about