Imagine not playing on Era

You guys just said era is the peak skill and most challenging content with the best players. How is it more than parsing? Like what how is it’s the best most skill intense but also the most casual. You guys are diluded.

Bigger pop that era by a ton

highest skill cap.

It doesn’t mean we use it - we would need a few million players to start pushing the meta

Has the lowest skillcap nothing requires thought

Youre playing the wrong game.

Don’t fight the environment, you are fighting the players.

Are these “players” in the room with us rn?

Just because there are more players in gross on retail does not mean it has anything going on… Its 50% bots and players who may as well be bots with the EXACT same problem as Era… a microscopic % of the player base who does PVP and worse only a very small % of the PVPr’s are willing to Q 3’s making it mega dead.

There are prob only 10-20k rn but if we had a few million the meta would keep pushing and ceiling rising.

No it wouldn’t it’s the same game the last 20 years man. Move on. It’s super easy to play. It’s why all the good players don’t play it because there isn’t anything challenging in the game

That’s just copium. “All other versions are just bots” bots don’t log raids

The game is fun and plenty of good players enjoy it.

There’s no way to make money playing it so you don’t see the good games and there are less then there could be.

But that because blizzard market trash games that farm whales and there’s more money in that

Nah, you’re the one in denial here.

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People make money on sod Ani and retail era is dead and super braindead to play. That’s why there’s no money. Because it’s boring to watch since no one doesn’t anything. Ani is just fotm and wont have viewership when AQ hits

The thing that Era gives that no other versions do, is you can logoff for however long you want - days, weeks, months, years - and come back at same power level ready to queue WSG.

It doesn’t troll you into a month of bad gameplay just to actually play the game.

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I’m not the one claiming every other version is bot and the era secretly has a ton of population but doesn’t log for some mystical reason

Sounds like a bad mmo

the gameplay on era is bad. what are you talking about… inflated economy full bis 50 yr olds with nothing better to do than gank and camp u all day. i dont get it

and yet I see you having a blast in AV

then i quit 2 days later b/c of 2 rogues gang banging me

Roll a ret reck paladin and that will never be an issue