No they wouldn’t. The top vanilla players would be the top retail players. Mes would dog walk any classic andy
preach. once tbc hits all the anniversary classic andys will flock to era and we wont have to deal with these trash cans
retail players be like “our game is HAAARDDD”
reality be like, nah, it’s just boring and dumb
Lol I had infernal glad in TBC season 1 these era kids are just silly
Okay I guess you’re even more in agreement
But I think you overestimate how good a community that hasn’t had new players in a decade actually is.
“Classic Andy” covers a very wide variety of player skill. Top Era players are every bit as good as top Retail players; the difference in where skill lies in these games is on the parse down to the last 0.0001% of perfection.
It is no different in either game, and while Era boss are no joke 5X nerfed from various patches, you can still express that skill in the parse IF you are in a speed clear team that cares.
You weren’t even playing the henhouse premade tourneys in 2017. All those players were retail pvp players and dominated the brackets during og classic. They moved on and are back on retail since cata sucks and era is a slow snooze fest
i know man i know. clueless. they think becuase u have full bis gear, full bis consumes, 300 max engineering and have big burst and can 1 shot people u have skill. and dont get me started on raiding. u literally press 1 button for an hr-2hrs. proves my point that they are apes
Go hit CE and get retail glad. Not 1 of u boomer era players who claim it’s not hard can do it
yeah bro I wasn’t thinking about wow in 2017 like most other pvp players in the world.
I played pservers a bit after vanilla and then moved on as they made the game worse and worse and other pvp games were really good. With good games for 95% of playtime. Not sitting around all day and having 10 games per week.
are you gonna pay me to play retail? my fee is $650 an hour
It’s free if ur not bad but you can’t even do a world dragon correctly
go back to planet of the apes vanilla era server
You are literally in the era forums.
Nah this is the anniversary forums
I know this sounds crazy… but there are other reasons to play other than raiding… Most of these players don’t really care about the raids (myself included), its just about something do while getting stoned and having a good time with the bros. IF I wanted to speed clear again I would play Anniversary / Retail / Cata / MoP (soon).
Instead I want to level alts, and do BG’s since Cata / Wrath was filled with Cheaters in Arena who literally bot their characters and blizzard enforces ZERO penalty on them. BG’s are plenty to scratch my itch for PVP even if they’re lacking a ladder and MMR, and I do think that BG’s in Era / Anniversary would benefit from at least adding MMR to make the games way more competitive, but that’s a different problem.
when your hamster wheel resets and you move on to tbc it is likely they will move you to new forums
we will remain.
And it will be dead like it was.
Why would I go get another glad title in a dead game?
better to have half the wsg games with players 2x as good, then twice the games with players that afk every game and just want honor.