Imagine not playing on Era

These goobers hide on era because they should grey/green parsers on anniversary lol

You’re the one arguing against players who play it who know what I am saying is true.

You’re afraid that players will not play in that cespool of Nightslyaer any longer or continue on to TBC, you’re afraid we’re poaching the players away from you.

You’re afraid other people are having fun when you’re incapable.

Your fear is not unfounded; we’re Era, we’re forever.

paladins in vanilla are garbage and sub par at best. and i want 0 to do with vanilla whatsoever especially on that sweatfest whitemane

Some people are so bitter that Era is doing well. :rofl:


go to ifpro. demographics and numbers say otherwise. try going to a major city. its dead. q a bg during the day on a non weekend. it wont pop.

Have you ever considered you’re playing the wrong class? I had to admit it too… Shaman just kinda sucks outside of Elemental and even that’s tied down to the CD of the BWL trinket.

I’m not even saying anniversary is good. Logs literally disprove what you have said. There are more players on every other version of the game and vanilla is the easiest version of wow. They have the least movement on boss fights. Literally just check logs. Also bots don’t log

I feel like you’d love having a female human paladin - Janeira

You can 1 hit kill all the rogues, find them with perception, and bubble out of any danger.

Whole new arc! Think about it

i play paladin i just dont like them in vanila. they are gear dependent and are not fun against casters or other classes in open world. u need a almost bis 2her and decent aq40 or r13 gear. its not worth it

Are not to be trusted at any point…

Meanwhile, we’re having fun and you’re not.

“logs arnt to be trusted” “my servers have the highest pop trust me bro” “they just don’t log because uh idk” “your server is all bots” “vanilla is actually the hardest version of the game”

You’re high on copium and now like any good wow player I shall go spank my schmeat to female nelfs

Its less gear dependent than shaman in some ways and more in others, but gearing on Era is ultra easy because there is so much PVE goin.

As for the 2x rogue problem, I have killed them with Sword and board using the AV 1 hand mace+ shield and a Holy reck spec… The best part of paladin is that its so damn good for supporting casters and warriors. Especially casters who help you a little with some of the CC. If you have decent players paladin is im not even joking 5X better than shaman. BUT for solo play yeah, gear dependent but so is shaman that I know you’re very familiar with…

This was never said or eluded to. You’re now making things up.

ok you do that.

Era players have the highest enjoyment per hour of any mode.

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Era players break Naxx world records all the time. Horde world record was broken a few weeks ago.

The world record of pressing 1 button and sappers.

amen :expressionless:

i know right :expressionless: you’d think these happy aniversary players would just ignore the era threads but nope. they gotta come in here and give us a piece of their mind.

Side stepping the 24/7 online forum comment though eh?