Are these “good players” in the room with us rn?
Sod has 77k raiders and ani has 96k while era got a whole 9k XD. And they claim they have the peak pvp players that are better than 3k+ career arena players.
What’s funny is those 9k are raiding on 3-5 alts a week.
It’s prolly closer to 2k-3k actual population
era has countless people who don’t raid every week like me for one
Most players I know haven’t really raided on Era since anniversary launched.
But many still login and pvp every weekend.
That server is lucky!
era is the worst itteration of wow period. vanilla is trash but let the purists stay on era and give us tbc already
So you don’t even play the game. Why comment on forums so much? Do u literally pay a wow sub to spam forums with era propaganda despite not even playing the game?
and here it is. an admission that you think end game raiding = “the game” this is pure retail mentality.
End game raiding/dungeons/pvp/farming gold is playing the game. Logging in and standing in SW/Org and spamming the forums is not
If you took any character who is playing all of fresh and looked at their playtime maybe 1% of the total time was leveling.
The end game is the game.
Avg era player “grinding green mobs as a mage in ZF is actually the game” then logging off all week to log in for a single 1 hour raid per week. Then claim classic has the highest skill ceiling while then wiping to a 20yr old world boss somehow XD
Because most MMORPG players are kinda terrible at video gaming, and this has been my perspective since vanilla because before Vanilla I played most FPS games and occasionally UO / EQ, and wow players are by far the worst, but there are some real gamers in wow, but generally you dont see any in the population or swamped content unless its at the very top.
It’s the same problem that drove me away from FF11. Swipers, it just ruin the game. WoW has all kind of players. I think my guild is nice. (So far, I don’t really know them so well but I try!)
But yes the aspect of the game, economy, leveling characters. It’s not really feeling like it captivate the game’s magic. I’d say WoW biggest issue is the toxicity, I was told once League is bad, oviously they never tried WoW Classic.
Massive difference between Classic Anniversary and the others such as Era, Cata and SoD are all orders of magnitude better to play.
Anniversary sucks because the streamers and their locusts all “play” there and I use air quotes there because they’re swipers.
If you want an enjoyable experience play any non-hype version, and despite what the trolls who want you captive in the version they play, they’re populated and there are more than enough people to play with.
I understand your point. But unfortunately I’m part of those who cope. I do want to play TBC, I want to play different class and spec in TBC.
I may roll on ERA at some point. I do have a few character I did from then. Not sure where they are at now but worse scenario I just start all over again.
The only thing that’s annoying is the constant reset button.
Wait for naxx patch then level then; right now its just not worth it because there are so many bad actors.
As for Era, its ultra chill, and dont think for a minute that you need to GDKP, because its not needed to raid at any point.
There are adds for GDKP in chat, but most raiders dont use these, I have tried a few, but really its not my jam because if you’re competitive and want to push for top DPS for the payout bonus but aren’t in the pumper group with the BIS group buffs then you’re stuffed because you will be 5-30% behind, this is why “parses” in how we do them is dumb.
Anyway, no need to buy gold at any point, and the warrior I just leveled is 100% self funded, has his epic mount and decent pre-raid gear.
Oh I already am 60 on Anniversary. I don’t know why the druid still shows 59. The only dungeons I ran are Sunken Temple once and Blackrock Depths XD
In that situation, just depends on what you’re willing to put up with., anniversary locusts aren’t all that desirable to me
Casual money making and fighting the horde!