Era provides both and in BG’s you will at least for now never have a a BG full of “let them win” leeches.
The ONLY reason to play era is to kill time between fresh vanillas…
Current fresh is only about to start BWL, therefor, Era is back to being a joke until tbc comes out.
Also, ERA should -NEVER- have existed in the first place… stagnant realms suck.
I hope that’s just a troll post, because it’s so ridiculous.
Era was the reason Classic was made. We didn’t even know they would progress to TBC until near the end of the original Classic phases. And immediately Classic progression servers just became another way for Blizz to milk whales.
Era is the real Classic. The rest is a joke.
You can’t make a reliable server when people have zero impetus to log on for days/weeks/months at a time.
Pservers figured this out a decade ago…
And no, CLASSIC was the reason CLASSIC was made. ERA is just the abomination created to sate the people too shortsighted to understand how this game actually works.
There’s a reason 90%+ of the population bails anytime there’s a new “Fresh”, while era people have to make posts begging people to queu for bgs.
It makes me smile that you’re so upset that Era is doing well.
You can keep screaming “Stop having fun!” all you want though. It’s funny.
We have enough mass that it doesn’t matter.
No one is screaming at you having fun.
Literally no one cares if you play era for another 20 years.
People calling it dead dont care youre having fun, they are just stating facts.
This right here.
Fresh is what sells, new starts is what people like.
Going to era is a terrible idea, Blizzard realized how bad it was so they didnt make an era for TBC or WOTLK because fresh starts sell.
Thanks for the heads up. I seen you post about it often but I was never able to reply until now. If you can hook up with the where about of ERA, I’d be interested. Still might Play anniversary a bit since it’s kind of preparing towards TBC a bit.
Blizzards list of connected servers.
As far as I know the only active clusters are Mankirk (PVE) and Whitemane (PvP)
I know others exist out there and I have seen players from them in BG’s but I dont know how active they are.
Here is blizzards post.
Not to mention era players were begging for fresh servers for months upon months.
Fresh Era is not the same as Anniversary because anniversary self deletes and turns into TBC.
MANY of us also asked for TBC era, and again not to be confused with Anniversary that is effectively a progression realm with no promise to stop at TBC.
IF their plan was to actually make anniversary into TBC Era then they would have my attention, but till then forget about it.
If they gave us a Fresh Era real, also cool, but anniversary isn’t this and in turn NFG.
Era has popularity spikes up and down and did even after 2019 classic. Anniversary is a TBC waiting room, let’s be honest with ourselves. While some might here for fresh Vanilla, it’s pretty clear everyone knows it’s fate and with how fast the content is, it’s pure hypocrisy to deny it.
you coming into every era thread to scream “it’s dead” does not line up with these statements
if WSG is happening, raids are happening, leveling is happening, dungeons of all types are happening, and you still call it “dead”, your definition of “dead” is meaningless and incorrect.
yeah, too bad we got SoD 2.0 instead of actual fresh
an opinion based on wrong terminology is not a fact
You guys were so upset by that post to have it removed lolol
it was removed like instantly i think some mod really didn’t like it
He doesn’t want me speaking facts about the lowest population version of the game
The little gnome is so upset that people are enjoying Era.
I’m glad you’re all enjoying it…
I hope you all stay there,.
That doesn’t mean I’m going to sit here and lie about its population like you guys though