the only “arbitrary rule” here is the way mythic difficulty works in retail lol muh lvl 26,912,730 mythic raaaaid
That’s literally all raiding…
My guys so used to to 1 mechanic bosses he doesn’t realize once you add another mechanic the mechanics rotate…
Imagine watching Eyr raid mythic.
You’re so lost you think mythic raids have a scaling system like mythic+ dungeons
Mythic raids are just mythic raids.
Era being niche doesn’t make it dead. My cluster is doing better than fine /shrug
Over two hundred horde 60’s on right now. Peeps are doing WSG, few raids going on. People are out leveling…idk, looks good to me.
yup. it’s classic WoW paradise we want for nothing. but for some reason, we sure do attract a lot of haters
eyr gets carried in gdkp like a gold buyer.
im not sure why people talk about stuff they dont know.
ive never done vanilla naxx and i dont play retail so i jsut dont talk about those things lol
This is my point, 400 wipes is easy for a dedicated group. It would take vanilla players a few days to pick up the rotation and then they would just pound the content for like a few weeks and be on par with retail players (only for the very narrow class / spec / content they are doing) but that’s all that matters to clear a mythic or top key or whatever.
Whereas to naxx speed run, you first need to get the toon to 60, then gear it, then you need to run quite a few naxx (only 1 per week) just to get gear so that you can even have the ability to kill bosses fast.
Unlike retail where you can ‘try again’ a lot of times wiping in naxx is your attempt for the week. So the people speed running have been running it for years and know the footguns. Learning those takes some time and there’s no test area for naxx.
i don’t even do raids right now i’m grinding wintersaber rep on my warrior and leveling a warlock alt.
Please yes, TBC server. I want to equip all the classes in TBC mode where most of them are great to play!
You’re not getting it
You think of that team hits 400 wipes it’s a kill, it isn’t like that.
You have raids wiping thousands of times and never full clearing a mythic raid.
Speed clearing is a niche thing because the content is brain dead, it’s the same people who have played era and pservers for 20 years, it’s literally comparing apples to oranges.
It taking awhile doesn’t make it hard, you’re conflating the two.
I love it. Leveling yet another toon. Having a blast like I always do.
First off, retail and Classic Era can’t rightly be compared.
Second, If you want to talk raid difficulty or mechanics in general retail has got Classic beat there and pretty soundly. But again, they are two fundamentally different games.
He has to bring up speed clearing…
I’m just bringing up 100% of all raids want to do clear the raid.
Nothing in the game is hard. It is all trivial.
It taking a while is no more or less hard than having to memorize things to dodge or interactions, at least to a good player - both will be overcome.
What is actually difficult is beating other good players.
I’ll gladly take a couple thousand people who actually like Vanilla and are social and helpful over 100k sweatlords who hate the game, are completely toxic and make it a miserable experience.
this muh complicated virtual dance routiiiiine. respect meeee
why does this dude post every comment?? He is trying soooo hard to be quirky/unique
Show me a cutting edge
Thats where my cluster is at and its the closest Ive been to vanilla…since, well, vanilla. 2019 didnt do it but this is as good as it gets and its pretty darn good.
It is definitely the closest to the Vanilla experience we’ve gotten. Obviously there’s still bad eggs. There always are. But for the most part the people still playing Era actually like Vanilla, and stick around because it provides the experience they’ve missed for 20 years. Much friendlier and more helpful than any other version. Partly because it attracts that type of player, but also that the players realize they need to help out other players…especially new ones. You need to work together and other players are an asset you need to cultivate.
Contrast that to anniversary, and it’s like night and day. That’s not to say that decent people don’t play anniversary. But they get buried in the masses, and the reality is that the toxic sweatlord mentality takes over the server. And thanks to Megaservers, you have no other option. Everyone just crammed together and we see the kind of environment that that creates. There is no server community. Everyone is disposable. There’s no need to help other players, or to care about making their experience better so they stick around and become a valuable asset. It’s just…trash. A sea of strangers that may as well be bots (and largely are).
Population is showing on the low side. Everyone’s on the GDKPless anniversary servers gaming.