Imagine not playing on Era

you know using that emoji doesnt you less wrong

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enjoy competing with 7000 people for 1 mob :expressionless:

This doesn’t happen.

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you mean enjoy playing the game?

dont worry, i am.

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imagine playing on era where its nothing but warriors and mages forever

Actually it’s more like ‘play whatever you want’ since it’s not entirely meta slave sweatlords.


It’s the people who think era Naxx is a hard raid.

I don’t think ‘hard’ is the right way to describe naxx, or any wow raid.

However it is pretty binary - groups generally either clear or don’t. It is pretty unforgiving - one death and you parses are gone, one wipe and group can have to call it.

But overall with a average group of people paying attention it is pretty easy to clear.

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I would describe mythic as hard.

I wouldn’t describe anything in era as hard.


From what I’ve seen - the hardest pve retail has to offer is mostly about lots of practice. Sure it isn’t ‘easy’ but it is still trivial imo. Literally dance dance revolution + vanilla = retail

Being top retail pve player or vanilla player in the end is basically the same stuff, perfect rotation, dodge fires, and get good rng. It is extremely hard to be the best player but overall the activity is still dead simple no matter how fancy they try to make the fires in retail.


the hardest part of vanilla raiding is not the encounters themselves really, but having a cohesive group that can work together and follow raid the leaders directing

yes. because most players in the wow community are unable to do naxx at reasonable pace.

Just like most wow players in retail don’t do the harder modes (thought I assume naxx is still way easier than retail hard modes to clear)

I mean saying it’s dance dance is odd.

3-5% of the raiding population gets cutting edge.

Compare that to era clear rates

Like who can’t clear MC lmao, 99.9% clear rate

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naxx is different game than MC.

Most the groups who can clear MC will fail at naxx. The good ones would find both easy.

It’s just odd saying mythic isn’t hard when it’s the hardest PVE content in any MMO ever.

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In vanilla the ‘hardest’ pve would be beating the naxx speedrun - so like 40-something minute naxx I think.

That’s probably around the same difficulty as whatever the ‘hardest’ thing in mythic is.

One mistake and it is failure.

But I think the overall point is that hard vs easy doesn’t matter that much as long as the content can pose some challenge that it is fun. That is the most important part of the game, it needs to be a bit challenging and then fun - if it can’t do that, then it has failed.

I think the issue with retail is they lost the fun in trying to make it ‘challenging’, when in the end it isn’t actually any harder as the top thing in vanilla (see first sentence in my post).

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Setting arbitrary rules like speedrunning is only there because the content is brain dead.

Those dudes wouldn’t even be able to clear a mythic raid

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I would bet you that top vanilla players could reroll retail and beat all the current content before top retail players could reroll on vanilla and get sub 2h naxx.

Just the time to get the gear and 40 people aligned is too much for retailers

It.takes top retailers 400+ wipes to beat bosses, I’m sure classic players who’s hardest mechanic was to move out of a void zone and stand on the correct side of positive and negative will have no issues.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The goal of raids is to beat the content, classic players wouldn’t do that, arbitrarily making up so rule set 99% of players don’t even do is stupid and then trying to form a competition out of it VS people who don’t play this version is even dumber.

Yea the guys playing classic for 15 years are fast at Naxx, we aren’t impressed.

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this lol :expressionless:
nobody is impressed that you wasted brain power learning the world’s most ridiculous dance