Imagine if essences worked like covenants

Now I know you are just a dishonest little toad.

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Yes, anyone who disagrees with you must be. LoL.

Just the people that willfully misinterpret what I said to set up a straw man.

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Yeah. You nailed it. I don’t believe the comparison has merit and if you have read my posts in the thread I feel like I have articulated that.

If I don’t believe the comparison has merit then what do I have to debunk?

How would it that be an improvement exactly?
Be specific now.

You misread that pretty bad. If I level up a mage, then switch to a shaman, then want to switch back to the mage, I don’t have to relevel the mage again.


Yes, but if you switch to play a different character you don’t lose that on your current character.


Because you haven’t said why. I personally believe it is spot on and others have said the same and articulated why. You have not and are just repeatedly going after that he made the comparison, not what you feel is wrong about it.


No, it isn’t. That is exactly the point. Those people don’t think it is a bad system and because it is subjective it isn’t for them.

Some players like covenants as they are right now. You aren’t going to convince them it is a bad system cause they don’t think it is.

Alright, because I would be like Ok I want to go down this path, and that is the choice I made, and while at times I wish I had so and so. That grind makes me not want to switch, so I do without said grind, the game is making me stick with my choice, and that is fine. Because I can still do stuff without that extra power.

It would make the essence grind far less because on alts I would get the essence setup I want and ignore the others.

But in the end Blizzard changed it because they ended up agreeing. Like they eventually changed artifacts, legendries, Azerite gear, Essences, and finally corruptions. Notice a trend?

Yes I did. My very first point outright said exactly why I give it no merit and I further explained in subsequent posts.

Soulbind/conduit relics should function like essences/glyphs. No reason we can’t have a library and be forced to destroy each time we want to play alt specs.

You literally did not. You pointed out the that they don’t work that way w/o the hypothetical and then argued against the fact that a hypothetical was made and that it was made with essences…

Sure, but that too is a fallacy.

I have the same concerns with covenants as most people that I have read do.

I feel that the issues with covenants are self evident which only reinforces for me why the OP’s fabricated comparison was unnecessary and served more as a distraction than anything else.

I am laying on my couch doing forums from an iphone 5se. You know how difficult it is for me to go up and quote my own posts to show you exactly what I said meant exactly what I said and was exactly my point?

Do you know how small the screen is on this thing?

Do you!?

No, pointing out the last 2 xpacs worth of systems that received major reworks is not a fallacy.

Which again you seem hell bent on arguing against that he made a hypothetical trying to frame a future system into one we are currently familiar with instead of arguing against the comparison it’s self. The entire point of it was to frame changing essences with the same restrictions as changing covenants.

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Its designed this way because there will be a huge shortage of content after the first week of mythic dungeons and the raid/mythic+ opens up.

This punishing design, much like 8.3 was to convince you there was a lot of content to be played. Realty was you were spending several pointless hours grinding currency to turn it into another currency, just to create another currency.

But choices matter remember…

This is why analogies aren’t very good for persuading people. You’ll just get folks trapped in a recursive loop of litigiousness arguing whether you made a valid comparison or not.

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Imagine being entitled to every thing that’s available in game. Cant wait till all my characters get access to shadowmeld.