I’ve seen a 2.67 million agony crit and this guy didn’t even have full honor gear.
Can you just stop talking?
Nope a rot spec shouldn’t have burst instants.
You should be required to cast more often than just getting procs to do instant shadow bolts which can crit up to 1.3 mil. Sometimes those procs go off one after the other.
Same goes for frost. Sure you can get some instant frost spells here and there but you should be required to cast for most of that damage or it needs to incur some heavy hit into survivability.
The devs need to figure out a different formula if their solution is to make a bunch of caster/healers just spamming instant spells for the best or functional route. This is going to degenerate into the specs that can spam instants are 100% better than the ones that need to cast. Which seems like healers are also facing that issue as well.
Ik man fire/arcane both feel really fun to play rn all things said though.
Ya it feelsbad damage wise esp when everyone outslugs you.
Overall though the spec and playstyle feel like they got it right. Just needs number tuning like most things rn
Being fun to play is more important to me than numbers rn. Tuning will happen and I’ll go up or down. Not too worried about it.
I had a few rounds look like this
or 50% of my dmg being ring of fire followed by comet storm and ignite lmao.
specs def need some issues addressed. Piddling out these 300k pyroblasts aint gonna do it
that was a shuffle vs triple warrior.
I love that blazing barrier for you.
That’s hilarious.
All rot specs should be redesigned to have burst instants because their Dots should be only a catalyst for damage. Again Dots should be only 5% of a specs damage in PvP.
Just fighting The Good Fight. To make PvP great some day.
Lol what?!? Are these guys attacking level 50s?! I have seen 50-70k dot ticks with 220k highest dot ticks.
No way anyone’s dots are ticking for 2m in arena/rbgs
This is a fried take. You would need to reduce melee movement by a ton if you want casters to have to hard cast everything.
That’s clearly a bug though.
Soul harvester aff (the big bolt spec) doesn’t have a lot of dot strength, i mean it’s ait. Nothing compared to hellcaller’s wither.
All of your Dots combined yes they are. It adds up to ridiculous numbers.
Dots should be 5% of everyone’s damage is how you fix Dots forever.
Aff is super strong right now and has a bit too much of both burst and dot damage
But in the past i have no earthly idea where everyone is getting their numbers from.
Not saying you’re of the same thoughts, but like one soul rend by itself from DH was doing more or close to the same damage as an entire row of aff dots last 2 seasons. Or one deep wounds application.
Nearly all the damage was loaded into malefic spam. Ua was tooltipping 180k damage over 21 seconds in full conquest gear last season on like 800k hp pools.
Corruption tooltipped for 125k @ level 70.
It was doing like 10k damage a tick on an 800k pool. What is everyone talking about.
Possibly a bug, but this was in a robodrome game and 40-0’d a ret paladin.
Just tested on a pvp target dummy.
Soul rot tick crit 245k normal 185k
Phantom crit 64k normal 51k
UA crit 112k normal 83k
Corruption crit 71k normal 52k
Agony crit 106k normal 87k
885k damage on one target with crits alone. Mind you that you can only put UA on one target now since no ones takes rampant afflictions pvp talent anymore.
I dont think dot damage is the problem. If there is a problem it is with the insane amount of procs that we get from nightfall. However I dont think its to insane considering the state of fury wars/frost mages/evokers and dks
wow I can’t imagine why your personal experience with WoW arena involves caring way too much and screaming and raging
If it is more than 5% of your damage it’s a problem. Dots are way way too overtuned and it’s bad design especially for PvP.
Again think it’s good Dot classes got some burst but now we got to fix the issue with Dots as a whole.
That’s way too much and I did originally say…
it hits for over a mil man. not crits, hits.
Destro will never get insta proc chaos bolts because, THAT WOULD BE FUN lol.
Blizzard tightly regulates fun in this game, and usually that means paying them money lol.
They already did