Imagine if destro could proc instant cast chaos bolts

How massive the uproar would be. This is what Aff essentially has right now, sbolt hits anywhere from 800-1.4m or so and is proc’d free insta cast very frequently. Spec is a joke with how much passive/proc damage comes with said shadw bolts


It’ll prob get nerfed next tuning pass with frost mage/unholy/rogues


I mean their dots alone just wreck me. Absolutely cracked spec rn.

tbh I thought this post was sarcasm about a hotfix I didn’t read because I’d believe literally anything you told me as far as ridiculous warlock buffs that I might have missed

With how weak chaos bolt currently hits it would probably be less busted than nightfall sbolt procs tbh.


The 1m bolts are definitely pretty insane considering the spec already cranks damage as Hellcaller, not being able to stop them is even worse imo, probably should not be a proc if its going to be that insane imo.

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I’ve heard people call for nerfs to aff and buffs for destro/demo. Honestly sounds like warlocks are a mess. The only logical thing moving forward is to remove the class altogether


what are you going to title your new religion because I’d like to be high priest

lmao rogues are terrible damage wise unless youre playing assas. dragons, mages, locks and ferals are the oppressive classes

Hire this man


I don’t know about that. I got hit by a chaos bolt for 1.8 million in a blitz last night, into a 1.1 shadow burn. Crap hurt.

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Nerf lock and sp

Funny thing is it might even not with how adamant blizzard has been about baking damage into casts/shadow bolt. They might (barely) touch everything else and leave shadowbolt as is

what if just kill warlock?

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I’d be surprised. My casted arcane blast are doing 250-400k max average.

Warlocks are existing and farting out instant proc shadow bolts for 1.5 mil.

I took like 1.4 mil, the volley proc for 500k, some demon soul proc got 385k when it hit me and the other crap and went like 45-0 instantly.

Literally just standing there existing hitting whatever button glows.

Affy right now is if someone at blizzard was trolling and buffed fire mage by 2000%


Ya. I would happily trade 300k starsurges for my owlkin frenzy lunar strike procs to hit 1.4 million, please.


That’s what I’m saying affy b like nah i deserve this

Welcome to my life! Not to mention, those cases are 1.2 seconds.

What is the ability that makes disintegrate unable to be interrupted? It’s not the cc buff they apply, something else. Seems silly, along with it being about a one second channel.

Uninterruptle spells and abilities shouldn’t exist in this game.

Hellcaller isn’t even the issue. Soul harvester is the better pvp spec that gives you much better sb damage

Lol right

Afflic is busted but majority don’t even know why it’s busted. I’ve read so much misinformation in the last 24 hours :joy:

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