It’s a pvp talent attached to their wall that makes it so they can’t be kicked/silenced during their defensive. Which they also have two charges of
It’s just general hatred towards the victim class!
average shadowbolt is around 650-750k. If it crits with stat proc it will do 1.2mill(1/6th of some1s health?).
Aff finally has lethal burst and everyone loses their minds. Focus on nerfing specs like frost mage that are unkillable and unstoppable before you cry about aff lock finally having decent damage after all these years.
hmm yeah maybe it’s because it’s designed to be the most overwhelming dot spec in the game already
It’s bait.
Reduce dot damage by 50% let them keep their bolts.
There were seasons not that long ago with dots ticking for damage that was healable with one hot. Literally.
Aff has not been a powerful rot spec in a while and relied heavily on malefic grasp spam for some years now
let’s just say your opinion rivals the great DK thinkers who claim their class is unplayable regardless of its state
Dot classes should be redesigned to have burst. All Dots should do 75% less damage in PvP. Dots should make up about 5% of your damage. It’s just bad gameplay for PvP.
Dot classes should be redesigned to have burst. All Dots should do 75% less damage in PvP. Dots should make up about 5% of your damage. It’s just bad gameplay for PvP.
This makes most sense to me. Any class that has emo edgelord vibes typically are hard to balance. This also includes DH, Rogues, DKs and the shadow priest spec. We should delete them all.
My surge, evocation full channel, touch of the magi, and 2 stacks of missiles on the target arcane barrage FINALLY broke 1m on someone last night.
They blow a defensive to be unkickable. It’s their wall.
Easier counter is stand max range against dragon if you can, just takes some forethought the hope that they’re not playing with a DK which makes that substantially harder.
That’s interesting that is the average of my thunderblast Aoe as Mountain thane Prot.
It doesn’t help that arcane missiles interaction is still bugged, since Shadow Lands. I don’t think they care. It only counts the first tick, not the rest of the missiles (despite the tool-tip saying it would).
Let’s be real though, if they did fix the bug, players will riot and see it as mage favoritism.
It is powerful. I would love if we had something like that for Arcane Mages (easy reword would be presence of mind, instead of instant arcane blasts, make it your next two spells are uninterruptable). Would be wonders for Aether Attunement missiles.
I get why people are crying about shadowbolts but i don’t wanna hear that crap from a frost mage lol.
Are dots that are ticking for 50k really the problem when people have 8m+ health? I don’t get it tbh. People complain when games take to long and everyone wants them to end fast. Locks have a way of making that happen now and people still complain lol
Yea, they hurt a ton
Do you think you discovered the cure to cancer playing on voice comms and being a super sweat?
The last time i pushed rating was in wrath. I just play for fun and get my mogs.
Im playing probably a decade longer than you. I genuinely dont care or enjoy pushing rating.
My partners back then all went on to 3 and 4x glad range and literally quit forever because they found it so stressful, not fun. They asked me to play. I didnt want to.
But yeah screaming on voice comms and raging all night sounds amazing for sure. My current ratings have absolutely nothing to do with the topic. People like you are insufferable
You forgot a 0
Dots are ticking for 500k+
Again Dots aren’t good for PvP combat. It’s really not fighting. Just throw out a bunch of dots and run away isn’t PvP. It’s not engaging. Reduce ALL Dots including Bleeds by 75% in PvP.