I’m not jaded against the Horde I’m jaded against little children that cry until big Blizzy comes and ruins the experience for one faction just to appease the soysquad
If you ignore pvp entirely and focus on pve, blood fury and beserking are much better than anything alliance ever gets at any point cuz you can line them up with trinkets/use for burn phases. Can’t do that with heroic presence. Most ally on use racials are defensive. From MoP they are completely bonkers too. So people got used to zugging.
Youre asking blizz to actively ruin the experience of any horde player who wants to queue bgs because of the insane queue times.
It literally won’t affect you.
All the people who wanted to go horde for racials are horde already.
Imagine crying about faction imbalance when you could just get a server transfer.
For a fraction of the time and energy to reroll a character alliance.
They could offer free faction changes and it’d actually help with the problem that Horde created. Giving HvH BG DOES affect Alliance players. It removes the one perk we had over Horde. Now they’re all perk with no sag while we’re all sag with no perk. you’d have to be a moron to actually think this change is healthy for the game.
You’re delusional if you think people will be rerolling en masse from alliance to horde just because of bg times.
Everyone that wanted to go horde is already horde. Anyone that rolled alliance ONLY for faster queues is a moron.
Your conspiracy that this will kill the alliance is a hysterical fallacy.
no, i’m asking blizzard to PASSIVELY do that. by not changing the game to suit a bunch of whining hordies.
and 20-30 minutes is not “insane queue times”.
Maybe i’m Just a cynic but i see this kind of language and just think its another carrot on a stick to extend subs a bit longer before they’re forced to take action.
IF they implement them, then i could see it being a season/phase II thing (that they’ll announce months before) where everyone can get a “fair/fresh start” /eye roll
I think i said the same thing to you last week but i’ll Say it again, i guess. 20-30 min would be somewhat acceptable if it was for both sides and that’s just the way it is. However, >45 min is the norm for AB, WSG,EoTS, while AV is >1 hour.
No one is whining when they’re simply asking to play the game. Making that claim only shows childish stupidity, ignorance and bias.
yeah you’re just a troll I’m not wasting anymore of my time on a lesser human
Horde CAN play the game. Honestly Horde get to play the game more than Alliance so asking for instant queues on top of that is just selfish and wrong
Your poor understand of the situation makes you look like moron… this isn’t an inherent “perk” for being alliance. You chose a side while others chose a different side and this is a result of that. This is a game that people want to play and they should be allowed to do that. You wanting to suppress people from playing the part of the game they just makes you look like a childish dictator drunk on pseudo power.
How can they play the game MORE than alliance?! That makes absolutely no sense. What do horde get to do that alliance can’t do? The opposite situation is reality.
They are waiting on a good reason to release them… like a new MMO? Just hand in there.
Go try farming in the open world on a horde dominated pvp server and tell me how nice your experience is. How about spending 30-1hour making an instance group and then after finally gathering enough members you have to spend another 30+ minutes getting to the instance because you’re corpse camped.
Faction Populations: A Gravity Problem (Why Alliance aren't mad about fast Horde queues) This guy explains the situation pretty well and why it’s only going to get worse for alliance with changes like HvH bg
I play on an alliance dominated server and i’m not complaining about it. If fact, i appreciate it as world pvp is the best way to get honor with the current BG situation… so try again. Another example?
You’re content with being ignorant it doesn’t matter what anyone says you’ll keep whining and being a selfish toddler.
How am i being ignorant? Not trying to be a jerk but honestly what am i guilty of being ignorant of exactly?
OR is it that every point you’ve brought up I’ve rebutted?
For someone that claims that horde whine a lot you’re doing an awful lot of complaining about faction balance and how horde fighting themselves will ruin the alliance. Get over yourself.
Your counter argument to everything is “nah m8 i deel wif dat 2 and luv it” you’re an ignorant child
One would think the test did not go as well as they expected or there was something wrong with the outcomes. That or it was hacked together and they want to put more work into it.