Imagine a world (resonator thread)

imagine ur in last seasons gear but everyone has the new season trinket thats balanced based on gear thats gonna give you double the health pool and an insane 2 and 4 set bonus and then complaining about balance on day 3 cause ur pist u got 1 shot by something you can literally move ur character out of and negate completely and also use urself. also we dont even have our 2nd legendary yet

yall have A LOT more to complain about in the near future, dont waste all ur energy now

holy friggin moly ppl, literally try and look like 15 days into the future

the fact that we are getting completely new and fun things in arena is incredible, lets not just complain about it??? maybe we should encourage it so that we can get more new and fun things on our side of the game???

You’re actually delusional if you think these new trinkets are fun and exciting. They need to be pruned. Plain and simple.

Okay, you got me. Trolled.

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weak bait lul


Its completely fine that they added an item that makes the first 6-8+ weeks of the season absolute dogs@#t. It may be less of a headache after you’re already tired of playing.

Good point.

monk literally has a proc that ends the game before a resonator can even go off??? now that other people can have fun tooo you’re out?

You literally made a conscious choice in real life to act like an idiot on the wow arena forums. To you, this sounded like a fun or worthy use of your time.


Act? That’s being generous don’t you think?

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Eh. I’ve a lot more respect for a Monk’s one-shot (which requires stacking buffs and immobilizing the KT during a short RNG procc window) than getting one-shot by a trinket in a stun by any mindless ape.

RMP players seething right now.

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just because you disagree with soemoen doesnt make them a idiot

lets be nice here ppl

I would like to respectfully disagree with your take on resonator and other new ‘things’ like it.

Imagine a world where devs focused on making classes so fleshed out and fun to play that they didn’t have to create resonator trinkets to spice things up.


tuesday i think

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yeah, not sayin they are but i am sayin we’ve got a lot of new pvp talents this expac n stuff that have been pretty cool tho and i appreciate holinka for that

True but when you actually believe trinkets like these are good for the game then it does make you one.

ima be honest. i did a 2s last night v a war rdruid. was on backfoot whole time prob gonna lose. but 1 reson. stun psifiend. he trinketted but couldnt geto ut of it. 48k crit into a SWD. shoulda lost that match but this trinket can just rng win a game sometme. It should not be allowed to crit

nerf psyfiend

Even the scenario you’ve created in your head makes no sense. Why wouldn’t people complain about a trinket that’s tuned for max gear and tier (which is MONTHS away btw)? So it’s just going to ruin the game for a couple months? That sounds awful lmao

game isnt ruined, its insanely fun

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This would be true if rogue mage didn’t exist.

Tru. Delete it