New and fun things in arena would be new abilities for classes , more PvP talent slots , actual class tools that expand a classes toolkit and ability to make outplays in arena.
Not a tactical nuke that you place on the ground that only gets truly abused by rmx and like 1-2 other comps.
Not everyone gets to just equip it and have the same access to hard cc that has 0 counters.
Pressing kidney and trinket x3 even if it can’t crit and hits for 25k x3 people in an rmx go is the most toxic I have 0 idea how to design new trinkets get me out of this expansion crap I’ve ever seen
PvP should always and only have 4 diff trinket options. Insignia , on use badge, a stat stick with the secondaries of your pref and a battlemasters health trinket for defensive play.
The game should be designed around class abilities doing dmg and trinkets that enhance those.
Want more sustained dmg - insignia or stat stick trinket
Want more burst - badge trinket
Want to live a 1500mmr rmx go better - battle master trinket
Things like maledict / resonator / pve trinkets like drest / claw etc are all a huge failing in the design capacity for pvp as far as I’m concerned.
Thank you. imo its asinine that people are whining about a S3 trinket into S2 gear in week one, and calling for balance. ITS WEEK ONE, the game is not supposed to be 100% balanced week 1. If we really wanted 100% balance every week of the patch it would require weekly adjustments that we all know Blizzard will never do.
Your posts reek of desperation.
1-2 other comps? hmmm lets see here… ret war can abuse it, RMX can abuse it, cupid can abuse it, DH boomy can abuse it, Jungle can abuse it, god comp can abuse it, MLD can abuse it, thug can abuse it, turbo can abuse it, walking dead can abuse it. hmmm lol pretty much any comp can abuse this trinket. only one where it probably can’t be effectively used that i can think of is Splay.
Bad gameplay is bad gameplay. Doesn’t matter the reason. It’s bad game design.
im all for good, new fun, interesting things like trinkets but not ones that are braindead like this, and definitely not ones that are purely designed to abuse by RMX. so sick of that. spites. this one. like why? why are they all designed to benefit rmx the most?
new trinket idea, to counter rmx:
cosmic gladiator’s bettergame
Equip: Duration of incoming Cheap Shot, Kidney Shot, Polymorph, Chastise, Ring of Frost reduced by 30%. Fire Damage reduced by 30%.