I'm very skeptical about launch now

Everyone understands this. It is still wiser to play the odds, and safer, to use your vacation days when you have the highest chance for the most play time. If you already happen to have the day of launch off, then obviously what’s the harm in playing.

But people gonna do what they gonna do. Just seems dumb to go in expecting everything to be perfect. I myself would rather be prepared for the worst and pleasantly surprised than the opposite.

Not rethinking my plans at all.

I’m not subbing up until layering is gone.

By then this company should have their act together on hardware and access.

I’ll also know if they end up creating an RP-PVP realm.

They’ve announced an rp-pvp realm, yes?

No they haven’t. But they haven’t ruled it out either.

The number of issue free launches in the history of MMOs isn’t great. It’s pretty awful to be honest.

They have announced them.

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OMG…you made my day. I missed that announce. Thank you !

I hope 90% of the player base takes this approach.

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Exactly what I will be doing Celessi. Did book the two weeks leave after go live but will move that out by a week. Today’s third test does not inspire confidence for the first week after go live.

Legion’s launch was pretty smooth.

I don’t know if they’re testing the absolute limits of their system to see where things start breaking, or if today’s test was supposed to be a confirmation that the system will be stable on launch.

If it was supposed to be a confirmation test… that’s not good…

Just curious, do folks book all of their vacation for this?

What if something comes up between the end of your PTO and the end of the year? Seems a bit reckless.

It’s cool, you still get 3 days (aka “occurrences”) before you’re terminated. Just don’t get the flu. Easy, right?

Not every job has a 3 day allowance before termination. Right to work states in the US have no protections, you can be fired for anything that isn’t a protected class under federal law ((aka race disability etc)).

There is going to be an RP PVP realm, they announced it yesterday in a blue post.

That’s at-will employment. Right to work is the one where a union can be completely undermined by hiring anti-union staff

It was down for about 30 minutes and people are losing their shirts over it. Amazing.

I don’t remember that. I remember fighting for the orcs outside of Honor Hold… but the game never crashed. I was able to play just fine (Cenarion Circle).

I will take 3 weeks off from work starting one week after launch.

Never take days off for a launch week, it’s the biggest trap of all. However, it’s a double edged fix for everyone so…/shrug.

Do I plan to play on launch? yes, but I know it’ll happen later on during the launch day. And I’m okay with that because work pays the bills.

I’m self-employed so it’s more about only being able to spare a week, and wanting to plant that week in the middle of days I can play =)