I'm very sad about paladins

Avenger’s Shield not generating holy power. hahahaha, Blizzard still doesn’t play Paladin, 18 years later.


I’m not saying your wrong to have concerns. Since you’re basing your thoughts on what you’ve read, you aren’t without reason to worry. I also have some reservations about some classes I play as well. My decision is to test my favorites out during the prepatch so I can see for myself how some of the changes work in a live situation. I suggest you hold onto your concerns, but hold off on judging until the prepatch. :beers:

I don’t pvp and i hate ranged pally :slight_smile:

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No, guess you didnt read the whole thing. :roll_eyes:

Once again stirring the pot aren’t we,
But enough giving you attention.

Yeah i was really confused on why they did that when i tested on beta it felt exstremly clunky

It comes from playing the beta firsthand and watching multiple youtube videos on it.

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Yea same OP. When they announced the talent trees i had SO much hope that ret would finally get some much needed fixes. Sadly all we got was nerfs, and 2 abilities added to ret that people liked (laotl and spellwarding) but had them removed.

So in essence theres still no reason for ret to realistically be brought… to anything.

Latest build nerfed hopo generation by quite abit, nerfed around 5+ talents damage wise and removed spellwarding. Sw was one of the few additions that might have helped ret get a spot.

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Then i can understand your dislike, good thing is you are in time to find another class/spec that fills your style better.

I hope they don’t go through with making Blessing of Spellwarding Protection exclusive. It’s inclusion as part of the class tree was probably the biggest highlight of the DF Paladin class design

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That is the issue. I mained a warrior for 10 years, and paladin/druid are the only two who fit my playstyle nowdays. And I literally have no idea how to play a feral and boomkin sucks in PvP(or so I’ve been told)

The only druids really getting any big adjustments are Balance and Resto. That might be your style. It might not.

Boomy is 100% my favorite caster in the game aside from Destro. but I hate pets, so destro is never a main. How is RDruid in PvP?

I don’t know. I do not like casters in this game. The only healer that I play is a Discipline Priest.

The problem with Holy is that it’s just worse than what we have in SL.

I believe we are the only class that losses mobility compared to SL, everyone else only gains more. Warriors as an example get to use all of their mobility talents at the same time now.

Without the conduit DT losses much of it’s value and is only good in AOE situations. We also lose the legendary ability that pairs really well with it.

Necro hammer is just made worse, it’s no longer something we can use when we want to use it, now it will nearly always be wasted as it procs on Judgement, something we will be spamming.

The caster build just takes away from options the normal build could have gotten and still requires you to be in melee doing DPS to build HP. The one good thing is that it will likely be useful in PvP.

With the recent change to Ret it’s just a worst spec now. More RNG with HP, they said we now have too much HP thanks to the trash talents few people want that they added, and punished Ret’s by weakening Art of War.

Prot also feels worse with the changes they made to the shield throw compared to past expansions.

Number wise Paladin could be fine in DF, but gameplay wise it’s just worse. The only to pro’s I see are that Holy can get an interrupt, along with all of the other healers other than Priest and we get a Brez.


They just nerfed that with the AOW nerf, and DPS tuning has not been done yet, ignore the numbers you see on the beta and focus on the playstyle, Ret is never going to top the charts with how the spec is built around burst, they always try to make it mid of the pack overall with strong burst.

Don’t see how… holy will play almost the exact same as in SL but have way more tools. Like as an example… just track your vanq hammer judgement cd, like oh no you miss out on a little damage but have the option for a big burst when needed. Just like now… you don’t spam vanq hammer if your gonna need the healing and you use it for dps if you don’t.

I’m just going to assume people are making the most random talent trees possible and than complaining about it.

we usually have at least one spec that’s good, now they’re all looking real rough.

it’s mostly ret that’s been a roller coaster of quality.

been a paladin main since cataclysm, ret has always been through the crapper being bad every other expansion. The curse of ghost crawler still haunts us to this day!

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I mained ret in Wrath and when i came back in legion.

In bfa and sl it was a big meh to me. I enjoyed the style on the beta but guess ill have to check it out.

Yea for me its about flow for a class

But how much of that is because you’ve still got your legendaries and conduits?

Also, you can bet (based on the last 3-4 expansions) that our damage will be tuned to be middle of the road and that over time it will trend downwards.

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So, what do you think about having to take Greater Judgement to get to Rebuke? How does having to sink 3 points into Rebuke if you want the interrupt feel?

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