I'm Unsubscribing and here's why you should too

Y’know, I’ve actually been saving up gold in anticipation for Naxx GDKP runs I plan on doing eventually. I want Slayer’s Crest and Stormrage’s Talisman of Seething for PvP and there’s no way I’ll be getting those in my guild as we run a loot council system and I’m a resto druid in raid.

There’s a guild that runs GDKP on our server and I looked into how much a Slayer’s Crest goes for. According to a guild mate who follows many of the happenings on our server it’s around 5,000 gold. Yep, that’s it. Just 5,000 gold. I could easily buy that right now and I’ve only been saving up for a few weeks.

So moral of the story is not all realms are overloaded with RMT. 5k for a BiS game trinket actually seems really cheap to me.

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I get you. Taxes have to be paid, though. Voluntarily giving money to a company that does bad/dumb things is condoning, a little.

Living life guilt free is impossible if you ever think too deep on it. :stuck_out_tongue:

It wasnt that bad. :frowning: Boycotts work, though. And this is how change is made all the time.

They actually dont work overall. The idea that people have influnce on either side is more akin to acting like they care as opposed to actually accomplishing things. So boycotting things like classic is a waste of time unless you can convince enough people that it has substantial effects on Acti Blizz and youll never get there. So they dont work.

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I agree. You need a big boycott for it to work, but that doesn’t invalidate the basic consumer power: one million ambivalent people pay $15 a month which gives the company 15 million little reasons a month not to care about improving things.

We condone by giving them that cushion. Btw, Im 100% guilty of this but seem to like the game more than challenging bots (for now)

Youll find all of this theory partially underlying the impetus of antitrust laws, too.

He never said bots are good for the game, looks like you’re the delusional one.

I’m not exactly thrilled with the bot situation, but bots don’t have a lot of impact on what I like to do in the game, which is the pve content. Most guilds don’t do gdkp loot system, that’s mostly for pugs. So I think managing the RMT would help pug raids, but other than that the bots don’t really affect my gameplay all that much.

And even then, if you don’t buy gold, you can get gold from gold buyers by running gdkp. Eventually you can buy items you want in gdkp, and most items don’t go for crazy gold anyway.

Edit: I should say I don’t want it to be this way, but the game can be enjoyed even if the bots are rampant.

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See you in a couple weeks OP

I mean… historically they absolutely dont. Boycotts are mostly about people drawing attention to themselves, which occasionally has the indirect effect of also drawing attention to the problem, but as far as being a direct catalyst for change they’re mostly a complete waste of time.

You dont condone an action by playing the game. You condone an action by fundmentally participating in the actions that drive those actions. Mostly around buying gold.

People use Gmail for email. Google allows spammers to send things that can cheat people out of money. There fore using Gmail condones spammers and cheating people out of money. I should stop using Google to stop this injustice! Runs off to watch youtube while searching for food place to order from.

Organized boycotts can be hugely successful. Remember New Coke? Yeah me either.



Kinda does if most of the pugs are replaced with GDKP, and Arena rating is sold en masse.

Another SJW throwing a tantrum over something they cannot control and want you to agree with them or else. What a joke…

I don’t do GDKPs or PUGs.

Arena rating isn’t sold by bots, and I don’t care one iota that skilled players can sell rating.


Nope. I still like classic. Idc if there are bots.

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That’s what all the modern WoW lovers say. Y’all just substitute the word “classic” to fit the forum.

They won’t ban anything. Its just as bad in retail. This made me unsub.

WoW classic is afk money for blizzard. That’s it. They get money from farmers subbing too.

Charge an extra 1$ a month for a sub to buy actual GMs like we had back in the day.

Imagine having 1-2 GMs per classic server who’s ONLY job is to monitor botting.

In under a month almost all bots would be gone.

Another issue is how they ban people, the bot bans are in waves which is bad.

Instead of giving the bot 6 months to make gold, which is cost efficient for the person botting because they get 6 months of botting per account, imagine if instead they were immediately banned on the spot.

Eventually botting wouldn’t be profitable as you aren’t making enough money to warrant having a botting account. Which in turn would ruin botting from a financial stand point.

We all know blizz won’t fork over the money for that tho, CEO needs another mansion.

Prolly lay off another 8% of their employees and continue to underpay their staff and pay them with in game store credit.

What a joke of a company Blizzard has become.

Their employees out here on food stamps but atleast they got a free flying mount that just hit the in game store!


Thank you Asmondgold! It appears that I was wrong. Apparently some modern WoW players don’t ignore or participate with bots. I love what you do. God be with you.

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enjoy getting motes