I disagree with this. Much of this is highly contextual vernacular that is here today, gone tomorrow.
I wonder if most the ppl saying those things even know what it means…
I’m not putting it down. Not-knowing just seems more efficient to me and has had no consequence so far.
You betcha. Every once in a while I’ll look something up but mostly let it go.
Isn’t that why emoji exist? Or is it a edgy, retro ascii rebel thing? lol
It kinda became a thing because of furries. Since it’s a cute little face you could easily slap onto a cartoon
Im seeing the nightmare is coming true hipsters weebs and twitch streamers are inter breeding.
I have long since just ignored those types of words. Anyone who uses some of those isn’t worth paying attention to anyway in my opinion.
Yep. They are going to take over the…never mind.
I’m 51 and have no idea what it means lol. Of course I don’t know what most of the slang means and to be honest have no desire to.
If anything, I’m glad I’m out of touch.
That was fine independently but combined I can already hear the arrogance.
That’s what she said.
wait… from all of the context in which I read “yeet” I took it to mean yanked, pulled, thrown, pitched, etc.
Specifically, I’ve seen it used “sylvannas yeeted herself off ICC”, or in reference for when one class and/or NPC gets yanked/grabbed by another.
Basically, I kind of figured it meant something along the lines of “that feeling of suddenly and/or violently flying through the air”
… and I’m still trying to figure out NEET without looking it up. Each context instance I’ve so far seen is too vague, but I’ve gathered it has something to do with internet culture. … at least I think.
Yeah, I usually regret looking stuff like this up, because you can’t unsee. There are some things I just don’t really need to know.
I’m perfectly fine with my ignorance in cases like this.
It means both throwing and excitement/agreement its in context. They took weblingo to the street, if they ever figure out how to do it with emojis well have come full circle as a civilization.
…and then you use the word “literal.”
Yes, since Nixon was in office.
I had to look that one up. Is it a Fuddy Bucker?
Ugh wanted to post a video but I think it might cause me to get banned. Yes the a holes who screw you for their own benefit.