I just don’t type words I don’t use… and never use it in real life outside touching a game or something.
I wonder, the peeps that use those words, do you suppose the word
is part of their vocabulary? Maybe you can help each other.
yeet, defined as an “indication of surprise or excitement ,” was voted the American Dialect Society’s 2018 Slang/Informal Word of the Year. Oct 29 2019
That’s a pog
Those are internet slang. You probably don’t play internet much.
If you were…uh 70? I would understand that you were out of touch with gen Z,X,Y.
But 40? That’s still teenager…that’s what 70 year old grandpas view you.
I’m almost 62, my freak flag still flies as I defy the fickle finger of fate, and tuned in, and dropped out last century.
One ringy dingy, two ringy dingies, and far out I just saw Gawd. He said to say peace and love aren’t just some words you say.
‘Someday they’ll declare a war and no one will show up…’
Meh…your first problem was looking at the trade chat. I think I have had mine turned off since 2004.
I’ll be 36 this year, the people I went to High School with who wake up everyday, go to work, come home and complain about bills don’t know mONKAS
They are all galaxy brain 4heads
You miiiight wanna remove this one
Hey mister, is it okay if we play on your lawn?
You can always check the Urban Dictionary, or ask Mr. Google.
40 is young! You may not know these things, at least making the attempt to do so is always beneficial.
we back in the 18th century yall
Don’t make me load that directory on my H:\ drive.
I’m in my mid-40s, and I understand it. That could be because when I see something I don’t know, I look it up.
Mostly it comes down to a persons willingness to adapt and learn. Not everyone wants to, especially as they get older and that’s cool. Whatever floats your boat.
I’m waiting for the next generations humour. I think I’m good on skipping this one.
It might just be a series of numbers next though… Hopefully after the abstract stuff it just returns to poop jokes; that’s where I’m comfortable.
I was leeting just fine on my own!
Dude…it’s not a verb.
This generations humour is bad, I’ll give you that. But I was talking about slang.
im only 28 and idk wth they are talking about either lol.
Bussy is one I learnt recently through someone else making a thread, kinda gross.
Poggers I still don’t quite get even though I get the context of what the image means in twitch. Not sure why people would use it outside that.
Rest I think I am young enough to use, freshly 30 and young enough to be in touch with game culture.
Corben, much like the leetspeak of the early 2000s, or the one-sylable slang of the late 2000s, the zoomer slang will be gone soon. don’t bother learning it, as it won’t last.
Not the same