I'm tired of Oribos and the Shadowlands as a place/setting

I’m really tired of Oribos and the Shadowlands zones. Like yeah, I get it, we’re the “heroes/champions” and we’re supposed to be helping fix the Shadowlands and put it back in order to “save” it from Zovaal. But that’s not my problem, that’s not my place. Azeroth is my home, Azeroth IS the World of Warcraft. It’s where my people are who I care about and I want to be back there, I want to be back home fighting off evil on my world where there’s Inn’s and taverns/pubs to see and cities with living people to defend.

There’s also the problem of just how gray and bland Oribos is. Not to mention very confusing with no distinction between each area. Then being forced to walk/run everywhere inside the doorways even though the doorways themselves are 30 ft tall and my mount goes through them with no problem. At least Boralus and The Great Seal had awesome views and very distinct looking areas. Like yeah Oribos has the whole “cosmos” to look at… you know, the whole gray sky box and some whirling bits…

Maybe I’m just being cynical though. How do you all feel about it? Do you agree or disagree?


I haven’t even finished leveling because of this


I agree. It’s time to go home!

I could go to Outland too though.


I originally expected like a… coin flip version of Azeroth and have to explore shadowy versions of zones we know only with factions running the realm of death here rather than… EVERYWHERE at once.

Their pacing is off tho… partially to blame with the stories/content being split to four covenants.


A fox person who lives in the desert – should be used to bland colors! :stuck_out_tongue:


i mean i don’t really leave my crypt much except to fly, i dont use Oribos facilities so…

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Oribos is such a lazy design.


Oribos is a big circle… and they even messed that up (it’s not even, how do you mess up a circle?).

I’ve spent evenings in airport lobbies that reminded me a lot of Oribos, only the boring and plain airport was far more interesting then the high-fantasy hub-city of Oribos.


Oribos is an airport terminal. There is nothing interesting about it. Flights go to and from Oribos. All flights in Shadowlands are routed through Oribos as well. And the areas where we cant mount, then go through the door to mount are horrible. It is just so disjointing and tedious.

Oribos is quite possibly the worst expansion city. Even Warspear/Whatever the alliance’s one was in WoD were better.


I would like to have a Cata-like expansion that takes place in outland, It would be fun


I think it was a monumental mistake of blizzard to have the Shadowlands zones as disconnected from each other as they.

Obviously, this doesn’t address the style/aesthetics complaints but I think the setting is as lifeless as it is is because the zones are disconnected.


At least airports have cinnabons, duty free shopping and round-the-clock bars.


I’d like to stop at the duty free shop.


there’s a portal to Orgrimmar outside Oribos

i hope it helps


And if Zovaal gets free, Azeroth is screwed. Did you forget that?


Outland/Draenor was already established lore, Northrend was established lore, as much as people whine MoP was established through the pandaren seen in Warcraft and the reference via Chen’s keg in Vanilla/BC/Wrath, and Zandalar/KT were long established.

Shadowlands is brand new never before mentioned “original” stuff… which isn’t inherently bad, and some people may enjoy this freshness. And I’m glad they’re having fun! But I’m not. I want World of Warcraft back.

I also don’t like how many things that were established and understood for such a long time are being written now as “WEL AKSHULLY…”

lol, one of my most upvoted posts was where I called it Oribos International Airport. If you turn off ALL sounds EXCEPT AMBIENCE, it does actually sound like background airport noise, complete with the occasional voice that could be the overhead announcements.


Disagree. SL has amazing graphics


Yes, and they’re primarily wasted on rolling hills in Bastion, and yet another large forest zone. I’m hoping the Sylvanas encounter does something dazzling in the graphics department as we transition from Torghast to Oribos/Crucible.

Even when we get flying we will still need to use the flight path to reach the zone :smiley:


SL is definitely the most annoying of all the expansions hate it. i could care less about the graphics it just doesn’t fit in wow.