? Did we play the same game?
In cata the Night Elves pretty much only retook. In Stonetalon they got nuked, in Ashenvale they ‘retook’ but the phasing made it look like that never happened and to this day the phasing there is like the Horde are still assaulting the camp near Darkshore with catapults and all while Astranaar is smoldering from the fire.
On top of this they were made to give up Azshara lorewise with the promise that the Horde would withdraw entirely from Ashenvale, except the latter obviously never happened. So the Horde got an entire zone shaped into the Horde symbol while Night Elves got a fake win in Ashenvale while getting nuked in another zone. The Horde questing if I remember right there involves you taking over Ashenvale, which feels a lot better than the Alliance having to put out fires and desperately defend only to never get the phasing to show that they technically ‘win’
See what I mean? Not to mention those expanded lumber operations ruining more of the zone. Ashenvale always having been considered an Alliance zone for the most part due to how Night Elf it is and yet Horde gets the best questing experience there by far, Alliance just get bad phasing and feel-bad quests.
Bonus points if you are lore nerd enough to know that Night Elves won lorewise (books) in Ashenvale only because Varian decided to help. Yep, that’s right. Night Elves getting outplayed in their own forests again.
OH and extra extra bonus points for having Malfurion be neutral when we finally got him back in Cata. The Druids apparently not caring enough suddenly that Ashenvale is being torn apart by Goblins and Orcs, lol.
And of course going back to the current day, we know now that the Horde truly never abandoned Ashenvale lorewise because apparently that entire fortress on the western side of the zone on the beach still exists and was used for the questing leading up to the Burning of Teldrassil, either that or it was in the novel. (memory a little foggy) while Astranaar gets butchered and the Horde get to butcher their way through Ashenvale and Darkshore and finally burn Teldrassil.
MAN, the Night Elves have had it good ever since Cata. This is the sort of stuff that the OP means when he’s talking about humiliation, it was so bad that even the devs at one point admitted they did the Cata questing experience wrong for Alliance. It just feels bad, man. It doesn’t instill any faction pride because you just get beaten up on, constantly. In the Barrens we even lose an entire dwarven fortress, it just goes boom. From what I heard to a single goblin sapper, but I didn’t do the questing Horde side there.