I'm tired of being humiliated

I just love cuddles, kitties and puppies.
I also love maple syrup, milk from bags and Canadian beer.



I gotta agree with most of the premise here. Horde has very few cinematic ‘fist pump’ moments. There are moments where I felt pride in my faction, but they were fleeting or came of the cost of something in return. A couple of examples that have stuck:

Wrathgate. It was peak Horde, Dranosh running in with the Horde cavalry to assist the Alliance out of a desire for glory and because they wanted to. That entire battalion screaming “For the Horde!” just felt GOOD. Then of course Putress shows up with his amazing voice actor and just…ruins it.

The bombing of Stonetalon: Prefaced with the horrible slaughter of druid students, but there is no wait for justice. Garrosh immediately ports in and gives his speech and drops Krom’gar off a cliff. There was a sense of pride and justice in that action.

Invasion of the Twilight Highlands: Was kinda goofy overall, but Garrosh being Garrosh and soloing a twilight dragon was just a good time. Immediately cost nearly the entire invasion force due to Garrosh sending away his air support. Got some giggles out of it.

After that? Really only Vol’jin’s ascent to Warchief made me happy, but that of course was replaced with irritation as Varian gave his “We will end you.” speech.

There has never been a solid, exclusive, no strings attached Horde fist pump.


You already dignified it with a response… by responding to me.

It depends on your definition of right.

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I haven’t cancelled my sub but I’ve been spending my time in everything Pre-BfA; mostly just casually leveling characters to do the Legion class halls.

But overall my time spent on WoW is rather low. Waiting for all the shoes to drop, hoping that once this narrative has passed I’ll want to play the newer content.

You could also play Overwatch. The world could always use more heroes.

Horde gets plenty in-game outside of the cinematics though, their questing usually has a satisfying end to it or character development. Take Cata questing for example, the Undead get rewarded for their efforts in Hillsbrad by having the farming community taken over by them and Southshore bombed into goo. One of many examples. Horde knew all about the Uldir bosses, Alliance didn’t even know why they were going there.

Dwarves get their efforts rewarded by having the dam broken that they protected back in their old questing days of Loch Modan. Alliance get forts and cities blown up, etc. Not satisfying at all.


I’ve never really held this opinion before, as the story is what drew me to WoW in the first place, but…

I stay for the friends I’ve made, not the story. That, and if you do the dungeons with friends, they’re still fun.

I will, however, admit that a few new single/not-MMO’s but multiplayer games have drawn my attention elsewhere. I’ve started on the new NASCAR game (yes, NASCAR laugh at me. I do every day), and Borderlands 3 is pretty awesome, in my own opinion.

But really, i think that’s just because 8.2.5 hasn’t hit yet. I’ve stopped living in WoW as if I was Zal, and i’ve stopped taking the stupidity of the story quite so personally, something a lot of us could do and live a little happier.

In reality, this is a bad anime/professional wrestling story. If you look at it as such, it’s not so bad.


There are a few reasons why but ultimately I’m paying a sub to post on the forums.

Considering Sylvanas is in the blizzard art for Blizzcon. We either get WoD but with Arthas(AU or the old guy being rez) as her servant or some weird Kerrigan stuff. Also likely we will get F really hard for both sides as we help characters we don’t like/care


Actually, we did kill the goblins who dropped the bomb, in the beginning of the scenario - on the Alliance side.

But you’re right about everything else.


I think blizz needs to set the on going faction war between alliance and horde aside in coming expacs. Make it a serious rivalry like high school ball teams, but no more total and open war against eachother… it works in RTS… not an mmo where both factions feature playable characters.


That’s how WoW always should’ve been, really.


Gilneas is still contested, if you want it back, fight for it, there is a BG for it.

A BG is meaningless. Regardless of the results nothing changes.


Same for warfronts.


Most things indicate the Night Elves won the Darkshore Warfront. Its repeat playability feels no different than dungeons, unlike the Arathi Warfront with its changing generals.

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But you guys did win, the horde managed to deliver hard blows to the other faction that we could never answer in any way.
Thats is basically why i created the thread in the first place.

We lost gilneas, still a ruin and was occupied by forsakens,theramore is still a crater and when jaina was about to have some revenge blizzard decided to make her regret trying it and making her merciful with orgrimmar only that all that mercy went to thrash when blizzard thinked that it was a great a idea the genocide of a playable race.

where they give you a quest to try to save and fail 1 k of civilians as they are being burned alive.
Maybe i am letting affect me too much? probably. but that is what i am referring to. the horde wins are there and we can never strike back.

i know that we can’t destroy the horde that is not what i am asking.
maybe just an eye for an eye and thats it. or something that makes me actually respect the alliance as a whole where they don’t let the other faction slaughter us.

i have no doubt that blizzard also screwed the horde, but that doesn’t erase what they done to the alliance as well.
and yes, i agree that the writters are the ones who did this and should be fired.

and i totally understand, so why not make the cities and zones lost to deathwing, natural disasters or some actually enemy that we can actually defeat in the end?

i am not in the story forums to discuss about gameplay.
i mean i could just talk to zidormi and teldrassil would be fine. but that is not how story work, hum?.

Blizzard should understand once and for all is that if a i want to help anduin,genn,jaina, ect i would play alliance
and if i want to help talanji,sylvanas, or thrall i would play horde.
is simply math that blizzard doesn’t seem to understand and i hate it.

Anyway, thanks everyone for your understanding and contributtions to the topic.
i think that i decided gw2 for now!.


Hey Ethel, though we discuss a lot and sometimes a bit nasty. I am not j erk enough to not sympathize with your problem. Yeah blizzard should stop alienating us with characters of the other faction and whitewash hands-

Honestly if we have Yrel zealotry leading the alliance with a forced truce with Alleria and Locus Walker while the horde has to tolerate Sylvanas and her undead shenanigans in orden to survive and even exploring dangerous arcane magic/beings in orden to have a chance would be more awesome than MoP 2.0 but with more SJW content.


To be fair, you lost Gilneas before you’d even started playing a Worgen. It’s hard to say that Blizzard took something from you when you intentionally chose to play the race that had already lost.


Have you played it as Horde yet?

Im pretty much at the point where im just logging on for arenas then ill catch up with the story next pre patch or something like that.

Btw I dont think anyone is really satisified with the story at this point, from any angle.