I'm tired of being humiliated

Please source that… because I highly suspect that you’re projecting.

Keep in mind that Blizzard does not see this game the way you do. They don’t sell this game to roleplayers, they sell this to the original fans of the RTS. When the Teldrassil storyline was played out… players of both factions got a mount. Night Elf players got a customisation option on top of that, so your accusation that they are targeting Alliance players and Night Elves in particular for “humiliation” isn’t borne out by evidence.

Asshattery is a bifactional thing. Alliance players are just as guilty as Horde players in the main.


I dont agree with you very often but yeah seige of org was humilating for the horde on multipule levels. It was a bit of pride till the empty threat but even that was insulting to the horde.


i was referring to the things that by example nathanos says more often than it should feels more like lines of the devs talking to us.
i don’t even blame nathanos for it, it feels like the devs actually hates us. or that is my impression

hey thanks actually i was thinking in making a charr seems like a really cool cow. or whatever that is.

i see… well maybe is a matter of persective because never once
i cared for that title at all.
because to me it simply feels like empty, like we gained nothing from it. basically pointless.

i eventually forget about it after thrall stolen our kill and moved on.
and then we got stormheilm, with sylvanas still alive and gilneas still as a ruin and then teldrassil. who knows if it ever will be rebuilded.

but i think that i understand your point now, thank you.


I agree with many here that it may just be time for a break. I know the small breaks I’ve taken have really put the wind back in my sails to experience different stories and be free of the irritation the current narrative direction inflicts on me.

Doesn’t even need to be on the computer either.

Heck, if you want an actual ‘morally grey’ story, find a guy with a Switch if you don’t have one yourself and play Fire Emblem: 3 Houses. Was like a breath of fresh air after the current train-wreck we’ve been on to have actual compelling characters with sympathetic motivations. (Well, most of them anyhow.)

Can’t recommend Dark Souls or Bloodborne enough as well. The story is there, but it’s vague and hidden to leave a lot up to interpretation. Hollow Knight falls into this field as well.

Breath of the Wild is fantastic, Xenoblade Chronicles 1 is getting a remake, Horizon: Zero Dawn is fun and fairly unique.

It might just be time to take a break. AND PLAY HOLLOW KNIGHT!


What’s happening Tuesday? O.o

Yo. You’re so nice when you aren’t talking about death and destruction!


I’ll throw my hat in the “play FFXIV” ring too. The first part of the story is a little slow, but it really builds up the stuff that follows, and the current expansion is really good. Good luck, and I hope you enjoy it!


I’m just tired of being sat in the corner by the narrative every other expansion because our Warchief becomes an inept, unstable, moron who keeps forcing us into a war the Horde can neither win or have anything to gain from.


Definitely will like the comments here suggesting to play XIV, I don’t think it can be said enough that the game blows WoW out of the water in terms of storytelling. With that said I highly recommend playing it with a fresh pair of eyes and with as little knowledge of spoilers as possible, because a lot of the twists and turns will really get to you and there’s lots of developments that will pack a punch if you go into it blind.

I’ve also found myself getting addicted to TOR a bit. It feels rewarding getting new perks and going deeper into the perk tree as you continue to level and getting utility points. WoW just feels like a skeleton in comparison because of the excessive pruning, making it feel like you get nothing new for wide gaps of levels, which is so counterintuitive to the RPG nature of the game.


The horde has been humiliated as well. Don’t win any fair fights, only though under handed tactics or super weapon.

Vs the alliance wins though the power of their op heros.

I mean which is more humiliating here, horde faction full of strong races. Yet our heros or soldiers can’t beat their inferior alliance counter parts in a fair fight.

Through out the entire we are told how bad we are. Our entire war campagin is countered by the alliance. Our heros run from their alliance counter parts. Then all atrocities committed against us by the alliance are swept under the rug.

Worst of all, we are hit by the villain bat in another faction war. So the alliance could be the heros and will win the war in the end. AS THEY HAVE ALLWAYS WON EVERY WAR WITH THE HORDE. Why do you say you have nothing to show for it? Will you not be happy until horde is destroyed?

How are you humiliated again? just because blizzard set you guys up to be the heros? Horde as a faction got no development or replacement for characters lost in the last faction war. 2 of our main races do not have racial leaders. Our only op character is a shell of his former self. We have no where near the same amount of characters. I mean i can go on and on…

But i think we should all point the finger at blizzard. When we point out flaws in the story we should bring up both factions not just one.

–Also in cata they had to bring balance to the faction with the number of zones. It had to be done, the faction should have a similar amount of zones and cities. Maybe I am wrong, but I like wow enough to think of the other faction.


Don’t tell nobody, but 8.2.5 is in the background downloader today.

So if we don’t find out Tuesday we will still likely find out soon.


Hey! I’m a Canadian afterall, the only place we can be bad is in fantasy games.

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FFXIV is definitely leagues better than WOW when it comes to story. That’s the game I moved to when I quit Retail back in January.

With Classic out, I’m bouncin’ between the two. Still have no desire to play Retail.


Do you work for them

I mean, as a long time horde player ive been hating almost everything about the horde for a long time, but it was legion and BFA that really brought things to a head. There has not been a single moment in wow, not a single one, from vanilla to present, where as a horde player i felt anything but disgust or apathy. Usually its just apathy.

The only time i felt anything besides that, was on the alliance side. Jaina’s warbringer song gave me goosebumps, jainas cutscene with her on thros being judged by her mother with all of the dead people jaina felt she had failed standing behind her, actually brought a tear to my eye. Varians death was epic. Jaina trying to save arthas in ICC was great. Varian letting suarfang retrieve his son’s body was emotional.

Wait, i just remembered a time i felt something on the horde. Laughter. In BoD when Opulance is killed by the alliance, gallywix gets triggered as hell and it was hilarious. It gets even better when mekkatorque causes gallywix to reeeeee and im actually cheering an alliance hero on. That is what the horde has been reduced to. The only time we are allowed to enjoy the story is through the alliance.

We are a faction of hand-me-downs that is significantly worse in BfA than we were in vanilla. VANILLA. I was excited about nightborne because they were awesome in legion, what we got is perhaps the most pathetic race to ever exist in wow. We have lost most of our good characters and havent gain any new good ones (that are not immediately killed). And we are constantly being told that we are scum and the only reason we havent been wiped out in general or even in this war is because of pity by either the alliance or by blizzard.

This is why im basically done with retail and playing classic. Im playing golden age horde.


Or you can play the PTR by copying your characters over.

Or that, I suppose, but I try to live in hope.

I’m not going to dignify that with a response. Make up your own mind, although I suspect you already have.

Oh haha, that checks!

I’m glad that we’re on the same side. I’ll be spared from your suppressed Canadian wrath :stuck_out_tongue:


Shes right tho, lol they dont target the game at people who take the lore personally

There were other ways of balancing the zones as opposed to having the horde beat the Alliance in them without the same number of wins for the Alliance in their (remaining) zones.

The way they did it and the fact it has been left that way clearly didn’t sit well with a large number of players given how the sub numbers (which then was a point of Pride for the game/devs) took the first massive hit that never recovered.

BFA shows they learned nothing from the mistakes of Cata.