Addressing your points, Stormheim is a pretty good example of grayness, because had they worked it properly, Horde would have been able to point to the (completely true) unprovoked attack on their military assets during the struggle against the Legion and the Alliance would have been able to point to the (completely true) shady Sylvanas shenanigans. But what they do instead is downplay the Alliance aggression to the point of invisibility and amplify the Sylvanas angle because they decided later to put her on the villain track and now they need justification.
This was rather my point, though. Blizzard never does clear cut Alliance aggression, and they probably never will, so Dakore probably won’t ever get what he really wants.
Which I think ultimately makes the story poorer. I think you’ll see both Alliance members who want to take a bite out of the Horde and Horde players who would gladly trade a major defeat for the sort of galvanizing event that Teldrassil was.
Stormheim was a tiny, pitiful example of Alliance trying to be mean, and it was undermined by the fact that Greymane ended up saving Eyir from Sylvanas’ schemes and dumbness. Can we get some actualy Daelin Proudmoore type Alliance rage that doesn’t have an outlet to heroics or Horde being villains to distract from it?
And don’t hold your breath on seeing the “factions merged” any time soon. Horde vs Alliance is the cornerstone of Warcraft from the very beginning and I sincerely doubt we’ll be seeing that change any time soon.
looking back to that if they focused too much on the “alliance agression” that would probably make sylvanas gain much more supporters and that would not go in line with what they wanted to do with saurfang.
considering how proud of themselves they are thinking things like “old soldier fixed everything” Lol
i just hope that we don’t see faction war ever again.
because in the end it will end just like this.
Maybe the alliance commits the next atrocity and the horde is forced to “forget and forgive”.
I am pretty sure they had not decided to go with Sylvanas villain until later. My personal suspicion is that the decision was made rather close to BfA launch, which led to a lot of the story incoherence, but in any case she was not being presented in an overtly villainous light until much later, and thus making sure she “didn’t have supporters” would probably not have been a priority of theirs.
Actually I wouldn’t have liked this. Wanna know why? Because then people would actually try to justify genocide this way.
There are already a lot of people doing it, but if the alliance marched on lordaeron first, then people would say things like the night elves deserved it because the alliance attacked first.
No. What actually needs to happen is they have to write themselves out of this mess, and I’m not going to rest until there’s atleast some conclusion to the whole Teldrassil tragedy. Even if it’s just freeing those souls from the maw. Like please let us atleast free those souls from the maw?
You mean complete with a Warcraft III Jaina Proudmoore parallel that foregoes her own father’s life in favor of saving Horde lives and maintaining peace? Even your Daelin example is muddied with Alliance doing good by the Horde.
Obviously. It would be unrealistic to expect all the alliance to suddenly go warmonger mode and attack the Horde without a voice of opposition. Hell, even Garrosh and Sylvanas had voices of opposition to their atrocities from within the Horde. There’s always someone doing a WC3 Jaina parallel.
Skimming the whole conversation and cherry picking one line out of the whole thing never fails to amuse me.
With the current writing team it’ll be a monkey’s paw.
I don’t think WC 3 Jaina was part of the Alliance was she? All I remember is her gathering followers to sail over seas for a better start because a bird man told her.