I'm terrified Heart of Azeroth Essence Abilities will make PvP even worse

From what I have gathered, the new heart of azerite essences will be usable in PvP as well. If I am wrong someone please correct me and show me the source of information. Then I can sleep at night.

Until then, I can’t see how introducing 21 new abilities in a single patch (not at the start of a new expansion) won’t completely devastate PvP. We see how bad Blizzard is at anticipating simple things such as PvE trinkets use in PvP. My fear is even less effort for tuning will be placed into these new traits.

Here is a list of just a few terrifying or thrilling scenarios (based on if you are the culprit or victim) :

-Ret paladins generating double holy power with 800+ leach during wings (Memory of Lucid Dreams)
-another wall for anyone who wants it on a 45 second cd (Azeroth’s Undying Gift)
-fire mages spamming gpy and getting another instant cast 21k fire ball that can dps OR heal on a 30 second cd. ( Crucible of Flame)
-all three teammates casting maledict and their fireballs at a target (Crucible of Flame)
-the “you can’t die” ability. “Your next death is prevented, and you instead regenerate to 10% of your maximum health and take 85% reduced damage for up to 10 sec or until you are healed above 70% health.”
-A lay on hands ability on a 15 second CD. ( The Well of Existence)
-Assassination rogue using Vendetta with a 39k crit cone that increases crit chance by 25% and crit damage by 35% for 15 seconds on a 1 min 30 second cd. ( Blood of the Enemy)

This is just a few examples I have come up with on the spot. I am sure the pro players will come up with even more diabolical ideas which we will then all copy. I have not tested any of these essences myself on the PTR. This is all based on the information provided by wowhead.


This absolute crap needs to stay away from PVP. HoA powers should def not make it into the arenas, there’s just way too much unbalanced and borderline idiotic junk that should be used for pve scrubs.


Their was a youtube video showing the power of the burst from new stuff today {clearly its not tuned its first week} but I wouldn’t trust anything with how blizz has been lately. but I am 90% sure expect stuff like that on live


I’m amazed they keep adding new Azerite powers and abilities, but cannot add back baseline abilities or talents that classes have lost because of complexity.

Mages have been asking for Deep Freeze for several expansions already. Asking for Alter Time, Blazing Speed, Frost Jaw. Are they implying that these talents and abilities are too complicated, but their new Azerite armour system and Azerite necklace abilities aren’t?

How much of a disconnect is there between the developers and the player base?


I want the game to succeed and be fun, but honestly it’s so bad at this point that part of me also wants to see just how much nonsensical garbage they can throw into it in the form of abusable gimmicks before it either dies or they pick the broken pieces off the floor and fix it

expansion is a joke


I’m terrified because classic wow wont have transmog and i wont play it because of that.

they could take transmog away

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That legit would make me quit no lie


and it would make pve’s heart of azeroth balancing easier.
remove heart of azeroth from pvp, bring back pvp gear + something to compensate… then we’re set. (:

Can’t even play classic cause of it. Oof

Meh i’m looking forward to it.

Will speed up the game and some of the essences are bonkers and bring together specs very well.

I fully expect that we will see a very fun and engaging PVP season with all these new abilities and absorb items. I mean it’s so interactive and immersive!

you don’t want to run around looking like a mismatched gear clown?


I hope they give E V E R Y class a 40% max health damaging ability next patch. That’ll really spice things up and turn pvp into a TRUE fiesta for the ages.


whats great is when the muppets come out to defend classic not having it.

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It’s 100% going to be a disaster. As I’ve said before they’re probably just completely checked out on PvP and these will go live as is. What’s going to be even better is when they nerf classes based around these, instead of nerfing the stupid essences themselves. Lmao.


Greater preparation. Preparation but hits for 35% health

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Yeah, it’s planned to work exactly the same in PvP so far.

https://youtu.be/ESs-7QXFFAo?t=698 - 11:38 quote from Taliesin about Holinka stating they will work in PvP as is.

They said they would rework visions and dreams for half duration when it procs your cd.

But blood of the enemy is busted burst damage. Assa and firemage will 100% use one button and win now